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New Horizons for Psi workshop

K Clough edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 10 revisions

This set of notes was designed to accompany two hours of lectures and practical exercises at the New Horizons for Psi workshop, entitled "Studying fundamental fields with numerical relativity". The slides for the lectures are here.

Numerical relativity has been used to study a range of situations involving fundamental fields, including superradiance, modified gravity, dynamical friction, dark matter accretion and early universe cosmology. The purpose of this course was to provide some background and hands on experience in numerical relativity that would help students and researchers to better understand the possibilities provided by this tool, and its limitations.

The version of the code used for the exercises can be found in the branch NewHorizonsForPsi, which I will retain as it is for reference, although in general you should use the most up to date version of the code.


The full solutions can be found in the branch NewHorizonsForPsi_Solutions.

For the first exercise see this commit. Note that I first copied the existing initial condition file for BHs and then made these amendments.

For the second exercise see this commit

For the third exercise see this commit

For the fourth exercise see this commit Note that I first copied the existing file and then made these amendments to change it for fluxes.

Note that in each case you will need to update the ipynb (e.g. to change the variable, or the range of the plots) to be able to view the results. This isn't easy to view in the commit interface but you can see an example here