This project is a tutorial on how to set up and use Kafka, a distributed streaming platform, using Docker.
This project/tutorial covers the basics of creating and managing Kafka topics, producing and consuming messages, and configuring consumer groups. By following the steps in this tutorial, I was able to gain a solid understanding of Kafka's core concepts and now I'm able to apply them in future projects.
You can also find my notes about the basics of Apache Kafka here and here.
To get started with this project, you need to have Docker installed on your machine. If you don't have Docker, you can download it from the official website
. Once you have Docker installed, follow these steps:
2- Clone this repository:
Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone
3- Navigate to the project directory:
In your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository.
4- Run Docker:
Execute the following command from this directory:
docker-compose -f kafka-single-node.yml up -d
5- Check if the containers are up and running:
Run the command docker ps
to see if the Kafka containers are up and running.
6- Start producing and consuming messages:
Now that Kafka is up and running, you can start producing and consuming messages by following the steps provided under resources
7- Shutdown and remove the setup:
When you're finished, execute this command in the same directory:
docker-compose -f kafka-single-node.yml down
This project provides a step-by-step guide on how to use Kafka, including creating and managing Kafka topics, producing and consuming messages, and configuring consumer groups. It's a great resource for beginners like me, who want to learn about Kafka's core concepts and use them in their projects.