Releases: GModal/pd2jack
pd2jack v0.4.0
pd2jack version 0.4.0
This release adds OSC IPC, a simple client example, more cmds (over 40), additional patches (some utility patches) and updated documentation.
Binary built on Ubuntu 20.04 (includes binary, documentation, Pd patches and MobMuPlat "swap" client).
This archive contains a native GUI client.
The v0.4.0 docs in PDF format.
pd2jack v0.1.9
Release of "Interactive Mode" interface.
Some Special CMDs added to i mode.
Binary: was built on Debian Buster.
pd2jack v0.1.6
pd2jack v0.1.6
- Second official release
- Improved MIDI support
- LibPd now a submodule
- Improved Makefile, smoother build process
File "" is a 64-bit binary version, built on Debian Buster.
pd2jack v0.1.0 initial release
The initial "official" release of pd2jack (v0.1.0).
The "" contains a linux executable (sorry, no install script, but either run it locally or mv to /usr/bin -- you know how!).
It also includes some simple Pd patches and the MD file from the repository (simple documentation).
(NOTE: "" was compiled on Debian Buster, and doesn't choke on newer GLIBC libraries. It works on my newer installations, too). Cloning and compiling is still the best option.