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  • .gitignore: from a Bolt project created following
  • Provision 2 or more CentOS 9 machines.
  • Configure local.yaml for your environment.
  • Install modules by running this command:
    bolt module install --force
    On Windows, you can run:
  • Provision controller on desired machine by running this command:
    bolt plan run test_voxpupuli_puppet_k8s::myplan --targets <ControllerFqdn> --user <ControllerUsername> --password <ControllerPassword> --inventory inventory.yaml node_type=controller control_plane_url=https://<ControllerFqdn>:6443 etcd_servers=https://<ControllerFqdn>:2379 secret_16_char=<Secret16Char>
    On Windows, you can run:
    .\Build.ps1 -Target <ControllerFqdn> -User <ControllerUsername> -Pass <ControllerPassword> -NodeType controller -ControlPlaneUrl https://<ControllerFqdn>:6443 -EtcdServer https://<ControllerFqdn>:2379 -Secret16Char <Secret16Char>
    It should fails with this error:
    Err: /Stage[main]/K8s::Server::Resources::Bootstrap/Kubectl_apply[puppet:cluster-info:reader Role]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/bin/kubectl --namespace kube-system --kubeconfig /root/.kube/config get Role puppet:cluster-info:reader --output json' returned 1: error: the server doesn't have a resource type "Role"
    Run the same command a second time, and it should succeed.
  • On the controller machine, copy /root/.kube/config to ~/.kube/config. Eg:
    mkdir --parents $HOME/.kube
    sudo cp --interactive /srv/kubernetes/kube-controller-manager.kubeconf $HOME/.kube/config
    sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
    • Check Kubernetes cluster by running this command:
      kubectl cluster-info
      It should list something like this:
      Kubernetes control plane is running at https://<ControllerFqdn>:6443
      CoreDNS is running at https://<ControllerFqdn>:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns:dns/proxy
      To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
    • Check Kubernetes namespaces by running this commands:
      kubectl get namespaces
      It should list something like this:
      NAME              STATUS   AGE
      default           Active   20m
      kube-node-lease   Active   20m
      kube-public       Active   20m
      kube-system       Active   20m
  • Provision worker on desired machines by running this command:
    bolt plan run test_voxpupuli_puppet_k8s::myplan --targets <WorkerFqdn> --user <WorkerUsername> --password <WorkerPassword> --inventory inventory.yaml node_type=worker control_plane_url=https://<ControllerFqdn>:6443 etcd_servers=https://<ControllerFqdn>:2379 secret_16_char=<Secret16Char>
    On Windows, you can run:
    .\Build.ps1 -Target <WorkerFqdn> -User <WorkerUsername> -Pass <WorkerPassword> -NodeType worker -ControlPlaneUrl https://<ControllerFqdn>:6443 -EtcdServer https://<ControllerFqdn>:2379 -Secret16Char <Secret16Char>
  • On the same controller machine as above:
    • Check Kubernetes nodes by running this commands:
      kubectl get nodes
      It should list something like this:
      NAME             STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
      <workerFqdn>     Ready    <none>   5h29m   v1.26.1
    • List the certificate signing request from the workers:
      kubectl get csr --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
      and approve them:
      kubectl certificate approve '<csr-id>'
      TODO: is there a way to automate that step?


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