A mobile-first, web-based card workout app: SUIT YOURSELF
During the pandemic, I was intrigued by a video of a boxer using a deck of cards to determine the number of push-ups he would do. After trying it a few times...
Doing only one exercise for a full deck is OVERKILL!
My spin on it was to have each suit represent a different exercise instead of a full deck of push-ups.
Also, friends were interested as well, but they did not want to carry around a deck of cards.
Carrying around a deck of cards and remembering which exercise is for which suit in the middle of the workout.
LIVE LINK: https://card-workout-tau.vercel.app
Connect a backend so users can:
- login and track their exercises / workouts
- save a workout and continue later
- time workouts
- save completed workouts
- repeat workouts to see improvements in conditioning
This project is being built with Svelte using TypeScript and testing is done with Playwright.
To run a version locally on your own machine
#make a directory and change into it:
mkdir newDirectory && cd newDirectory
#clone the repository into the current directory over SSH:
git clone [email protected]:GMSoudersJr/card-workout
#change into newly cloned directory:
cd card-workout
#run this command to install all dependencies:
npm install
for a local development server, run:
npm run dev
run this commmand to build:
npm run build