by Georgios Delkos for CertiK Auditing Team 2020
This is a WIP and could be buggy. For the moment it will work with any file for sigle file signing and with sol files in directory mode.
Files have to be for the moment in the respective folders /keys, /data, /signatures.
git clone
cd avalon
make install
./avalon gen-keys <name>
./avalon sign <private-key file> <file or directory>
./avalon verify <public-key file> <file or directory> <signarure>
./avalon loc typefile <type> <directory>
Type can be .sol .go .rs and so on
./avalon serve <port>
./avalon show <name>
Welcome to Avalon, a tool to help auditors certify audits
avalon [command]
Available Commands:
gen-keys Gen-keys will return a ed25519 keypair
help Help about any command
loc Loc will return lines of code of the codebase in directory
serve Serve starts a service given a port number you can access it via index.html
show Show will load private and public key from files and show them in a hex format
sign Create a signature from a collection of data signed with a private key
verify Verify a signature against a public key and data
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.avalon.yaml)
-h, --help help for avalon
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "avalon [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Create types for files types(Sol, Rs, Go, Js etc).
- Fix file importing from any location.
- Improve security.