Python practices: Handling CSV files of several rows to get important information by graphics, using matplotlib and pandas libraries for Python.
This directory will allow you to see different practices which were implemented to know important information of each CSV file. 🙂
See Deployment for how to run the resulting .py file.
To test each of the points together or one by one, just use the python command, and then the name of the file that we have created to carry out the previous steps:
(venv) PS C:\Root> python
The tools needed to build this project are as follows:
- Python - Used programming language
- Pandas - Data analysis library
- Matplotlib - Library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python
- Gerardo Ceseñas Rivera - Desarrollador del análisis de los datos
This project is freely licensed, in case of replicating it, credits would be appreciated.😄
- I thank anyone who is reading this, for reaching the end, I hope it has been useful. Shall we parse another CSV?
⌨️ with ❤️ by Gerardo Ceseñas Rivera 😊