Develope a mini weather app that will consume data from backend and display it on the browser based on a city searched. The tech stack to be used is react, redux, thunk for Front End. The tech stack to be used for Back End is nodejs/Express. The data can be served static from any datta structure. Here is a sample image of how the front end should look like:
FE: Click here to see the hosted application
BE: Route to get all the forecast for a particular place BE: Route to get all the distinct cities available
- React
- Redux
- Middlewares (Logger, Thunk)
- Axios (Access BE API)
- Netlify (Hosting)
- Jest/Enzyme
- Moxios (test axios call in action creator)
- PropTypes (test prop types)
- check-prop-types (test prop types)
- NodeJS
- Express
- Cors
- Jest/Supertest