- ChatGPT: syntax and implementation of some smaller functions
- Firebase Google Sign-In (tutorial)
- Navbar with Material3 (tutorial)
- Social Media Screen (tutorial)
- Material3 Tabs + HorizontalPager (tutorial)
- Scroll-to-top functionality (tutorial)
- Maps(Places and Geocoding) (tutorial)
- BottomSheet Scaffold (tutorial)
- Task Tracker (link)
- Sign-in page:
- Utilizing Google OAuth to ensure that a user has a profile and their preferences and data can be stored under that account.
- Uses compose to display logo and using a gradient brush to get the colors the way it is.
- Profile Page:
- Uses data from Google Oauth and pulled from Firebase to display profile picture and the type of climbs that you like to do which can be changed and saved at any time.
- Home Page:
- Utilized a tutorial above to get the cards needed with profile picture, username, photo, and caption.
- In the future, we would like people to respond to coments and put the username on the bottom before their respective caption.
- Two different styles of home page with 1 being Your Wall (everybody in your community's posts) and Hangboard (your own post).
- Search Friends Page:
- You can search for other friends oon the app by using the search bar that we provided.
- We also have some suggestions (currently displaying all people in the database)
- Post Page:
- Utilizing a photo picker and findImageByUri, we were able to allow users to select photos from their camera roll to post on the app and display a preview under the photo picker.
- Users can then write a caption and then post by sending the post as a data class to firebase. This post then gets pulled by the home screen and tied to the user.
- In the future, would like the ability to take a photo directly in the app possibly by using intents.
- Map Page:
- Using the Google Maps API, Places and Geocoding (See API's), we were able to pull a GoogleMap composable and ask the users if we can get their location.
- Has a bottomSheet at the bottom of the screen that has a search field where people can type a place they may want to add as a climbing spot. The search bar will attempt to autocomplete their answers.
- The map page also has the functionality of putting the address closest to what is in the center of the screen in case you are unsure of a location utilizing Geocoding.
- When you find a place you like, you can click the (+) button next to the search bar on the maps pageand this will move the user over to the add place screen.
- Add Place Screen:
- Takes the address from the Maps Page using navController parameters and displays it in the address text field. The address can still be editable by the user.
- You can then describe the place you are marking with any notes.
- On the click of the "Add Place" button, a user will send a data class to Firebase which will hold the address and caption and then when a user reloads the map, that marker will be there with that caption as they are pulled from Firebase. This allows us to crowdsource places as users find new places to climb.
- Maybe in the future, we will provide some incentive to do this.
- Add Place Screen:
- Search Friends Page:
- In this page, we display all your friends and friend requests from the database to be displayed on this page. Here, you can remove friends.
- You can also search for your friend using the above text bar.
- Almost every page has a composable side and a viewModel that handles the background function.
- Every screen has its own dedicated resource folder to ensure less merge conflicts and better organization.
- Database is in its own seperate resource folder away from the UI and screen elements.
- MainActivity hosts the navController and determines the routing to every page.
- Components are used throughout the app depending on where they are needed. They represent the components that may be used and their styling so we dont have to recode them(app bar, search bar, button, etc.)
- Google Maps, Geocoding, Places API
- Needed to ensure that the GoogleMaps API was set up and put it in secrets.properties file as well as the strings file to be used.
- Ensure that places and maps were enabled in the build.gradle file.
- First needed to ask the user permissions and ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
fun getCurrentLocation(){
locationState = LocationState.LocationLoading
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(
) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED &&
) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED
) {
// Permissions not granted, handle this scenario
locationState = LocationState.NoPermission
fusedLocationClient.getCurrentLocation(Priority.PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY, null)
.addOnSuccessListener { location ->
locationState = if (location == null) {
} else {
currentLatLong = LatLng(location.latitude, location.longitude)
com.google.android.gms.maps.model.LatLng(location.latitude, location.longitude)
- Google Maps:
- Google maps is used to display the map and markers. We use it on the maps page and it can be moved around but initially starts on a user's location if the user allows it.
- Defined as a GoogleMaps composable.
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
cameraPositionState = cameraPositionState,
uiSettings = mapUiSettings,
properties = mapProperties,
onMapLoaded = onMapLoaded,
) {
// Add markers for each MapLocation
viewModel.locations.forEach { location ->
val latLng = LatLng(location.latLng.latitude, location.latLng.longitude)
state = rememberMarkerState( position = latLng),
title = location.siteName,
) {
title = location.siteName,
username = location.username,
snippet = location.notes
- Places API:
- Places is used to autocomplete the text box. Whenever a user changes the search bar, Places gets called and displays addresses the user might be looking up.
- When a user clicks on it, the address will be displayed in the search bar.
// updateSearchQuery : passed into CustomSearchBar and updates searchQuery on keystroke change
val updateSearchQuery: (String) -> Unit = { newQuery ->
viewModel.textState.value = newQuery
fun searchPlaces(query: String) {
searchJob = viewModelScope.launch {
val request = FindAutocompletePredictionsRequest
try {
val response = placesClient.findAutocompletePredictions(request).await()
locationAutofill.addAll(response.autocompletePredictions.map {
textState.value = query // Update textState value here
} catch (e: Exception) {
- Geocoding:
- A specific case it is used is when the user is in the map page, the search bar's address displays the address that is in the center of the map. Geocoding is needed to turn the lattitude and longitude coordinates into that address.
- Used whenever we receive a lattitude and longitude coordinate from the Places API to turn into a readable address.
fun getAddress(latLng: LatLng) {
viewModelScope.launch {
try {
val addressList = geoCoder.getFromLocation(latLng.latitude, latLng.longitude, 1)
if (addressList != null && addressList.isNotEmpty()) {
// Get the first address from the list
val address = addressList[0].getAddressLine(0)
textState.value = address ?: "Address not found"
} else {
textState.value = "Address not found"
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Handle any exceptions that may occur
textState.value = "Error fetching address"
- Called in the following places:
- This one is so that when the map moves, it gets the location in the middle of the map.
LaunchedEffect(cameraPositionState.isMoving) {
if (!cameraPositionState.isMoving) {
- This one changes based on the current lattitude and longitude in the event you click a place and to display starting address.
LaunchedEffect(viewModel.currentLatLong) {
- Firebase:
- API issues
- Constant updates from the Google Android team left some things deprecated (e.g. Firebase OAuth, Places API… etc.)
- Wonky database setup → had to refactor
- Effective use of ViewModels in Compose (especially for async functions that require coroutines)
- getting updates to show up using proper state methods 🥰
- Occasionsal merge conflict
- Refactor some old code (e.g. navController, adding ViewModel to Profile composable → use coroutines)
- Find better way to keep user object up-to-date (to help alleviate extra API-calls)
- Better UI for Maps page (bottom-sheet covers all of map…)
- Weather API integration
- Video upload ability
- COMMENTS FEATURE (to enable climbers to help each other!)