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BunnyCDN Adapter for Shopware 6

Software License Shopware Store

The BunnyCDN adapter allows you to manage your media files in shopware on a bunnyCDN-Storage.


By composer

composer require frosh/platform-bunnycdn-media-storage

By zip

download latest release and upload into admin:


  • Upload existing media (optional)

    • by SCP from shell:
      • log via SSH into you webspace and go into your shopware folder
      • run following commands (Replace STORAGEZONENAME) and confirm with the FTP-Password of your storage-zone
        scp -r ./public/media [email protected]:/
        scp -r ./public/thumbnail [email protected]:/
    • Manual by FTP-Client: see docs at BunnyCDN.
  • Install and activate the plugin.

  • Configure the filesystems in your config/packages/shopware.yml. Check the Shopware documentation for additional information.

    • Possible configurations for filesystem type bunnycdn:
      • endpoint: The endpoint of your storage zone

      • apiKey: The FTP Password of your storage zone

      • storageName: The name of your storage zone

      • replicationRoot (optional): Setting this path will write files also into known local folders. This negates the advantage of saving locally storage. This needs to be an absolute path.

      • root (optional): The root/subfolder within your storage zone.

      • useGarbage (optional): When set to true, deleted, renamed and overwritten files are also saved to a folder named garbage/[currentDate]/.

      • neverDelete (optional): When set to true, deleting files will not use garbage option, too. Attention: This will result in more storage usage and orphaned files in storage.

      • Example with filesystems public and sitemap saved into bunnycdn:

              url: ""
            public: &bunnycdn
              type: "bunnycdn"
              url: ""
                endpoint: ""
                apiKey: "secret-ftp-password"
                storageName: "my-really-cool-company"
                useGarbage: true
              <<: *bunnycdn
              type: "local"
              url: ""
                root: "%kernel.project_dir%/public"
              type: "local"
              url: ""
                root: "%kernel.project_dir%/public"

Recommendations and warnings

  • Before Shopware and plugin version 3.4.0: Don't store theme or asset files on external storage. Due to some improvements in shopware with 6.5 and 6.6 there are created many files. This is the reason why this would slow down theme compilation and asset installation significantly.
  • Utilize storage zones with SSDs as they are significantly faster than standard option (means HDDs), with up to 80x faster upload speeds in our tests.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.