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Logan H-D edited this page Oct 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

vodbot stage

This is the staging functionality of VodBot, making it easy to export sections of VODs or Clips, or upload said sections to YouTube.

Running vodbot stage new <video_id> [video_id ...] will begin the process of staging VODs or Clips, if provided with at least one ID for a VOD or Clip. There will be prompts for a title, description, and start and stop times for all the videos provided. When finished, VodBot will save the staged data in the configured stage folder. When stages exist, you can export or upload with VodBot.

You can also provide all the above parts of a new stage with command line arguments, run vodbot stage new -h for info.

Running vodbot stage list will print out all of the current stages, and some basic info on each (such as titles and IDs).

Running vodbot stage list <stage_id> will print out all info on that specific stage.

Running vodbot stage rm <stage_id> will remove that specific stage.


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