This package provides semantic types for physical quantities and units of measurement. They are typesafe and offer convenient extensions in order to use them for calculations and display.
The combination of operator overloading and extension methods simplifies the code drastically. Type inference allows for code like this:
var area = 40.MilliMeters() * 2.5.Meters();
var intensity = 100.Watts() / area;
// Prints "Intensity: 1000 W/m²"
Console.WriteLine($"Intensity: {intensity}");
Each quantity has a base unit and multiple other units to which they can be converted easily:
Memory memory = 2.KibiBytes();
Memory memoryInBytes = memory.In<Bytes>();
// Prints "Memory in bytes: 2048 B"
Console.WriteLine($"Memory in bytes: {memoryInBytes.Value} B");
Type safety prevents you from making mistakes like the following:
Mass mass = 0.4.KiloGrams();
Mass anotherMass = mass.In<Hertz>(); // Won't compile!
Frequency frequency = mass.In<Hertz>(); // Won't compile!
The basic arithmetic operations are implemented generically:
Console.WriteLine(1.5.Seconds() + 500.MilliSeconds()); // Prints "2 s"
Console.WriteLine(1.CubicMeters() - 200.Liters()); // Prints "0.8 m³"
Console.WriteLine(10e6.PartsPerMillion() * 100.Percent()); // Prints "1 "
Console.WriteLine(2.Joules() / 100.MilliJoules()); // Prints "20 J"
The current implementation includes the following quantities:
- Acceleration
- Area
- Density
- Energy
- Force
- Frequency
- Intensity
- Length
- Mass
- Memory
- Power
- Ratio
- Temperature
- Time
- Velocity
- Volume
Next steps:
- Tests
- Improve serialization
- Provide metric and imperial semantic
If you have any suggestions or requests regarding Semantity feel free to contact me.