Picking this up where zehuanli left off.
This is an Xposed module to prevent Oneplus from making red "1" digits on the clocks.
If you hate the red "1" characters on the lock screen clock and AOD (Always-On Display) clock like me, you may try this Xposed module to get rid of it.
Supports OOS 11, OOS 12, OOS 13 and OOS 14 (I did not check AOD not tested).
On OOS 13, the OnePlus clock widget has a standalone package com.oneplus.deskclock
that renders the red "1" digits. This package has been obfuscated in a way such that a fix would either be temporary (that stops working after an update of this widget) or overkilling (hooking an Android-wide function which introduces unnecessary computations to other unrelated codes). Thus, I would not fix it and just use some other clock widgets.
For those desired, there are two functions in the package com.oneplus.deskclock
that use SpannableStringBuilder
to set a red color for "1"s. Modify these two functions to stop this behavior. Alternatively, you may hook the function setSpan
of SpannableStringBuilder
to stop its execution whenever a character '1' is being modified. Again, this is either temporary or overkilling.
As I do not have AOD enabled, I also did not test if my fixes apply to all the AOD clocks as well
adb shell pm list package -f > apps.txt
find systemui and uiengine
- package:/system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk=com.android.systemui
- package:/product/app/VariUIEngine/VariUIEngine.apk=com.oplus.uiengine
adb pull /system_ext/priv-app/SystemUI/SystemUI.apk adb pull /product/app/VariUIEngine/VariUIEngine.apk
decompile and check the code
find usages of R.color.red_clock_hour_color, or search for RedOne, etc.
Create a new version and update Main to call that class. Add the updated function targeting to replace / inject the final state.
Be careful not to make any mistakes in dealing with the parameters or the return type or your device might get bricked.
I tried first to use XPosed Resource Replacement to set the red clock color to white, but that did not seem to work. As this was referenced in all functions related to the Red-One it seemed like a clean fix.
public void handleInitPackageResources(XC_InitPackageResources.InitPackageResourcesParam resparam) throws Throwable {
switch (resparam.packageName) {
case "com.android.systemui":
try {
resparam.res.setReplacement(resparam.packageName, "color", "red_clock_hour_color", Color.WHITE);
log(resparam.packageName +" changed red to white"); // seen in log, but red one remained :-(
XResources.setSystemWideReplacement(resparam.packageName, "color", "red_clock_hour_color", Color.WHITE); // this line always threw NoRedError with resource not found exceptions
log(resparam.packageName +" changed red to white system wide too");
} catch (Error | Exception e) {
log(resparam.packageName +" NoRed error: " + e);