- Fork this Repository
- Clone YOUR fork
- Compete the activity below
- Push your solution to your fork
- Submit a pull request from your repository to the turingschool-examples repository
- Make sure to put your name in your PR!
Start with the existing tests, and then use TDD to create a Car
class that
responds to the following interaction pattern. You are expected to write your own
tests for the paint!
and color
(Where you see something like #<Car:0x00007fccd30375f8...>
, this is
shorthand for a full car object with that object identifier - we have
replaced any attributes with ...
for readability.)
Notes: Loan length is in month, and the total cost is the loan length multiplied by the monthly payment.
pry(main)> require './lib/car'
#=> true
pry(main)> car = Car.new("Ford Mustang", 1500, 36)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fa53b9ca0a8...>
pry(main)> car.make
#=> "Ford"
pry(main)> car.model
#=> "Mustang"
pry(main)> car.monthly_payment
#=> 1500
pry(main)> car.loan_length
#=> 36
pry(main)> car.total_cost
#=> 54000
pry(main)> car.color
#=> nil
pry(main)> car.paint!(:blue)
pry(main)> car.color
#=> :blue
Use TDD to create a Dealership
class that responds to the following interaction
(Where you see something like #<Dealership:0x00007fccd30375f8...>
, this is
shorthand for a full dealership object with that object identifier - we have
replaced any attributes with ...
for readability.)
pry(main)> require './lib/car'
#=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/dealership'
#=> true
pry(main)> dealership = Dealership.new("Acme Auto", "123 Main Street")
#=> #<Dealership:0x00007fccd30375f8...>
pry(main)> dealership.inventory
#=> []
pry(main)> dealership.inventory_count
#=> 0
pry(main)> car_1 = Car.new("Ford Mustang", 1500, 36)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fa53b9ca0a8...>
pry(main)> car_2 = Car.new("Toyota Prius", 1000, 48)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_1)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_2)
pry(main)> dealership.inventory
#=> [#<Car:0x00007fa53b9ca0a8...>, #<Car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>]
pry(main)> dealership.inventory_count
#=> 2
Use TDD to update your Dealership
class so that it responds to the following
interaction pattern:
- A dealership has inventory if it has at least one car.
pry(main)> require './lib/car'
#=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/dealership
#=> true
pry(main)> dealership = Dealership.new("Acme Auto", "123 Main Street")
#=> #<Dealership:0x00007fccd30375f8...>
pry(main)> dealership.has_inventory?
#=> false
pry(main)> car_1 = Car.new("Ford Mustang", 1500, 36)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd29b5720...>
pry(main)> car_2 = Car.new("Toyota Prius", 1000, 48)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>
pry(main)> car_3 = Car.new("Toyota Tercel", 500, 48)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd383c2d0...>
pry(main)> car_4 = Car.new("Chevrolet Bronco", 1250, 24)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd297dc30...>
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_1)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_2)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_3)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_4)
pry(main)> dealership.has_inventory?
#=> true
pry(main)> dealership.cars_by_make("Toyota")
#=> [#<car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>, #<car:0x00007fccd383c2d0...>]
pry(main)> dealership.cars_by_make("Ford")
#=> [#<Car:0x00007fccd29b5720...>]
pry(main)> dealership.total_value
#=> 156000
pry(main)> dealership.details
#=> {"total_value" => 156000, "address" => "123 Main Street"}
Use TDD to update your Dealership
class so that it responds to the following
interaction pattern:
- Car price should be from cheapest to most expensive.
pry(main)> require './lib/car'
#=> true
pry(main)> require './lib/dealership
#=> true
pry(main)> dealership = Dealership.new("Acme Auto", "123 Main Street")
#=> #<Dealership:0x00007fccd30375f8...>
pry(main)> car_1 = Car.new("Ford Mustang", 1500, 36)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd29b5720...>
pry(main)> car_2 = Car.new("Toyota Prius", 1000, 48)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>
pry(main)> car_3 = Car.new("Toyota Tercel", 500, 48)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd383c2d0...>
pry(main)> car_4 = Car.new("Chevrolet Bronco", 1250, 24)
#=> #<Car:0x00007fccd297dc30...>
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_1)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_2)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_3)
pry(main)> dealership.add_car(car_4)
pry(main)> dealership.average_price_of_car
#=> "39,000"
pry(main)> dealership.cars_sorted_by_price
#=> [#<Car:0x00007fccd383c2d0...>, #<Car:0x00007fccd297dc30...>, #<Car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>, #<Car:0x00007fccd29b5720...>]
pry(main)> dealership.inventory_hash
#=> {"Ford"=> [#<Car:0x00007fccd29b5720...>],
"Toyota"=> [#<Car:0x00007fccd2985f48...>, #<Car:0x00007fccd383c2d0...>],
"Chevrolet"=> [#<Car:0x00007fccd297dc30...>]}