Freeloaderz SPOs and their associated submit API URL. When submitting a pull request please add your information in the following format:
{ "url": "", "pool": "Pool Ticker", "location": "location" },
{ "url": "", "pool": "Pool Ticker", "location": "location" }
You can add one or many links. At least one tx will be submitted to each endpoint as a test prior to merge.
Don't forget to add a comma to the end of the entry before your addition.
To make the merge process as smooth as possible, please allow for approvers to edit the PR. Go to and login with your account. Navigate to the FreeLoaderz registration Repo and fork it.
After the repo has been forked in your namespace click on the spo-links file.
Add your Pool Submit-API into the json list (Use Copy-paste) from one of the other entries to copy the Json format easily.
After you added all your information to the list click commit
Click on “Contribute --> Open Pull Request”
Give a name and confirm