Build a small Android application that connects to HTTP API.
This API provides product information based on barcode number.
In this application, the user should be able to:
- see a product information by using its barcode number;
- see previously searched products while online and offline.
Target SDK : 28 AKA Android Pie (min SDK 19, covering ~95% of Android devices).
As an app user :
- I should be able to search product information by the barcode number
- If a product is found, I should be able to see the product name, the picture of the products, the ingredients and the energy value (kcal)
- I should be able to browse a history of the previously searched products
- I should be able to see the information about a product in my history of searches even If I am offline
This first release will be created by implementing this features step by step:
- Create and configure project
- Add library for barcode scanning and show result on secondary activity
- Add library for HTTP GET operation on API: for simplify the code, the app will save only desired data from JSON
- Add entity model of product and create database
- Save data found from GET operation on DB and show found data on detail activity
- Show saved data on a list / grid on main activity
- Create an UI (icons, launcher icons, activity interfaces, theme)
- Improve / create test
- Add animations
- Add delete function of unwanted product
- Add option to allow manual bar code insertion
- Add placeholder text / images when data is not loaded correctly from server or is missing
- Add more info about products: additives, product quality, manufacturer
- Improve camera activity UI
- Improve tests
- Bug fix
The following is a list of know bug to fix on next release:
- API search is not working on Android 7.0, see this link for more info
- Handle correctly missing internet connection
- Handle correctly product found from another country
The UI of the app is composed by:
- A main activity that show a history of previous research, done with RecyclerView as list (coupled with Android Architecture)
- A detail activity, which is used to show product details
- Each activity has is own fragment
- CardView for a lovely sight and content organization
- A secondary activity used to read the bar code and send results to detail activity
- api : contains API calls, using Retrofit
- barcode : contains Android Vision class which create an overlay showing found bar code
- camera : contains Android Vision class which handle camera and capturing frames for inspecting bar code
- data : contains the repository class, responsible for triggering API requests and saving the response in the database
- db : contains database cache for network data
- model : contains the data model, which is also a table in the Room database
- rawmodel : contains the raw data model used by Retrofit in order to deserialize JSON data returned by API
- ui : contains all classes concerning UI
- util : package containing various data class
- viewmodel : contains all classes designed to store and manage UI-related data
The app uses following patterns:
- Model-View-ViewModel MVVM pattern for the presentation layer.
- Repository pattern, which handle all communications with DAO and search on API.
- Observer pattern.
You will find some code about listed libraries / framework / language:
- Kotlin
- Room
- ViewModel
- LiveData
- DataBinding
- RxJava and RxAndroid with reactivenetwork-rx library
- Glide which will load and cache images from web
- Gson coupled with Retrofit in order to create POJO of data searched on API
- Retrofit HTTP client for network operation
- Mobile Vision API Google official code which provide bar code detection APIs that read and decode a myriad of different bar code types