This code implements a news dissemination system using various communication techniques and the TCP/IP protocol stack, particularly UDP, TCP, and IP multicast.
The news application consists of several components:
- Authenticates and accepts client connections.
- Manages topics and client subscriptions.
- Sends multicast addresses to clients for news topics.
- Communicates with clients over TCP and the administration console over UDP.
Administration Console:
- Communicates with the server via UDP.
- Manages users and configures the application.
- Communicates with the server via TCP.
- Subscribes to news topics and receives news via multicast.
- May send news if permitted.
Clients must authenticate with the server using a username and password registered by the administrator. Clients are either subscribers or publishers, based on their permissions.
Manage News Topics:
- Inform clients of available topics and manage client subscriptions.
- Authenticate clients and manage permissions (subscribers or publishers).
- Provide multicast addresses for subscribed topics.
User Management:
- Manage users with login, password, and permissions, stored in a file.
- Admin can use a command-line interface (CLI) over UDP to:
- Add or delete users.
- List users.
- Exit the console.
- Shut down the server.
- Admin authentication is required to access the CLI.
Client Access:
- Validate client access with username and password.
- Provide information about topics the client is associated with.
- Handle topic subscription requests and provide multicast addresses.
- Support simultaneous connections from multiple clients.
Server Command Syntax:
news_server {NEWS_PORT} {CONFIG_PORT} {config_file}
- Authenticate with username and password.
- List topics and subscribe to them.
- Receive news via multicast.
- Remove client from all groups upon exit.
- In addition to subscriber functions, can create topics and send news to the multicast group.
news_client {server_address} {NEWS_PORT}
- TCP: Used for communications between clients and the server.
- UDP: Used for communications between the server and the administration console.
- Multicast: Used for distributing news to subscribed clients.
- Add user:
ADD_USER {username} {password} {admin/client/journalist}
- Delete user:
DEL {username}
- List users:
- Exit console:
- Shut down server: