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Ethos Suite localization

Bertrand Songis @ FrSky edited this page Dec 24, 2022 · 4 revisions

Thank you for helping on FrSky Ethos localization!

What you need

  1. Ethos Suite
  2. a text editor which is able to read / write your translations in UTF-8 encoding (i.e. Visual Studio Code)

Find the directory where you installed Ethos Suite

It should be something like C:\Program Files (x86)\FrSky\Ethos Suite


Enter in the directory "i18n" and find the file associated to your language

You will find there the json files which are used for Ethos Suite translations


Now edit the translations file you want to modify and save it with UTF-8 encoding


Now restart Ethos Suite to check your translations. It's mandatory to restart it after each change to take it into account.
