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A slave clock implentation for ESP8266 boards


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 A slave clock implementation for ESP8266 by Bernhard Damian 2023.
    for Johannes and Helene

What is a slave clock?

Slave clocks are time pieces with a simple electrical clockwork to indicate the current time based on electrical impulses generated by an external timing circuit. The timing circuit is usally capable of driving several clocks connected in parallel. That way, time pieces can show the exact time, without the need of a time synchronising mechanism. Most clocks in public places (train stations, streets, parks, squares) are implemented based on this concept.

How to trigger a slave clockwork?

For a slave clockwork to turn its hands (or flip a digit platelet), a simple electrical pulse is needed, that changes its polarity each duty cycle. Most clockworks demand a 24V DC pulse with a duty cycle of 300ms - sometimes longer, sometimes shorter, depending on the particular clockwork. 12V variants are also available, but less common.

What hardware is needed?

  • any ESP8266 based microcontroller, eg. the LOLIN D1 mini
  • a driver circuit to provide the required 12V/24V pulses. Any stepper motor interface will do. I used the IDUINO DEBO DRV3 based on the (in?)famous L298N. Unfortunately this board has a design flaw and cannot be operated at voltages greater than 18V (although stated so). See tech note below.
  • a slave clock, based on 24V or 12V

What are the features of clickclock

  • clickclock fetches the actual time over NTP and Wifi and sets the clockwork hands accordingly
  • electrical impulses for the clockwork drive are generated on ESSP8266 timer1 interrupts.
  • the minute-based timer interrupt is synchronised to the first second of the (NTP-)minute. The minute hand is moved within the first 100ms of the minute. If the ISR is synchronised to NTP, the onboard LED indicates each second (1Hz flash, at a duty cycle of 50ms).
  • a basic mechanism to make the current hand position of the clockwork known to the software. Without knowledge of the hand position the correct time cannot be set automatically.
  • correct clockwork display by setting a compensation minute (see below).
  • fun with clocks - functions to help kids reading analogue clockworks (yet to be implemented)

Software Setup


Location for several system default constants such as Wifi credentials and other relevant data. All definitions in this file will be used by the default constructor of systemdata-class, and can be altered with the systemdata::collect()-property in software. Required definitions are:

  • SSID : the network SSID to connect to
  • PASSWD : optional network password
  • TIMEZONE : time zone of device (signed integer to specify hour offset to UTC, eg. 1 for Berlin/Paris)
  • NTPSERVER : the NTP-server to poll
  • NTPINTERVAL : interval in seconds to synchronise system time to NTP-time
  • HOUR_HAND_DEFAULT : inital position of the clockwork's hour hand at boot.
  • MINUTE_HOUR_DEFAULT: initial position of the clockwork's minute hand at boot
  • DEFAULTLEVEL : debug level of serial console, either of {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,FATAL}

Note, that as of v1.2.1 the current clockwork setting will be saved in system EEPROM on long press of BUTN_2. The system can be powered off safely and will be able to set the correct time (connected to the same clockwork) without recompiling the code.


Default pin assignments and timer interrupt relevant settings.

Hardware setup

Provided the DEBO DRV3 developer board is used, find the default connections from the diagram below. Default pins are defined in libClockWork.h.


                D1    <-->   IN1
                D2    <-->   IN2
                D5    <-->   ENA
BUTN_1  <-->    D6
BUTN_2  <-->    D7
                             MOTORA 1  <-->  1
                             MOTORA 2  <-->  2
                5V    <-->   5V
BUTN_x  <-->    GND   <-->   GND
                             VMS (24VDC)  

Software versions


The the very first version of clickclock.

  • The clockwork is set to NTP automatically, however the intial clock hand position has to be made known to clickclock by defining the initial position in main.cpp.
  • a couple of bugfixes, most importantly a bug introduced by khoih-prog/ESP8266TimerInterrupt due to an incomplete library documentation - see tech note below.
  • ISR-routines to get the (debounced) states of two bush buttons connected to the ESP.


  • detect mismatch between system time (NTP) and indicated clockwork time. Needed at least twice a year when DST is de-/activated.
  • the code also detects time drift caused by cpu-clock instabilities (temperature, bad designs, etc.).
    If NTP time differs more than 2 seconds from clockwork time, the interrupt service routines will be resynchronised. See tech note below.
  • Trigger different functions when push buttons are short pressed or long pressed
  • A short press is acknowledged with a 300ms LED indication, a long press with two 100ms flashes (standard HW_TIMER_INTERVAL of 50ms provided)
  • BUTN_1 (long press) sets a compensation minute.
    When the system is started, no information is available on the polarity of the last electrical pulse. When setting the clockwork to the current time, there is a 50% chance that the first pulse is sent with an unmatched polarity and the clockwork does not move the hands with the first pulse. As a consequence, the time display is set one minute late. So a manual input is required to compensate for the late time display. A compensation minute can only be set once.


  • Append 2 last bytes of MAC-address to hostname by default to make devices distinguishable in the same WiFi-network.
  • Make important runtime data permanent in the system's EEPROM, most importantly flags from the ISRcom-register (polarity of the next pulse (F_POLARITY), state of compensation minute (F_CM_SET)) and the present clockwork hand setting (tt_hands). In order not to wear out the board's EEPROM-memory to fast, system state will only be stored upon user request (BUTN_2- long press). When system state is saved, the clockwork will be halted, so that the system can be switched off safely.
    On a reboot, connected to the same clockwork, the system will be able to resync to NTP-time without recompilation or any other user action.
  • As of v1.2.1, due to the use EEPROM memory as initialisation data source, the code has undergone a greater rewrite: default constants will now be loaded by the default constructor of the systemdata-class. To simplifly the definition of default constants, all default data will be provided by wificonfig.h (even, if not directly related to WiFi-data).


  • mainly bugfixes to get the DST-switchover working properly (nasty search!!)
  • implements an adaptive method to compensate for time drift of the microcontroller's clock: to improve the accuracy of the minute impulses, the software tracks the amount of processor-time (using millis()) elapsed until a time drift of 2 seconds have accumulated (ahead or behind true time). Then Timer1-interrupt is stopped and restarted with an adapted interval that compensates for the drift. Due to the design of the hardware timer (shortest interval step in 1µs) the maximum possible drift compensation is 1s per 13,89hrs (about 3 seconds in 2 days) at an interrupt interval of 50ms (default). To compensate for a time lag less than that, the interrupt interval has to be adjusted to a lower value...

Tech Notes

  1. The IDUINO DEBO DRV3 is a two-channel stepper motor developer board based on the L298N H-bridge chip. The board does not only drive stepper motors, but also has the ability to convert the input voltage (5-35V) down to 5V to supply power to connected microcontroller boards. The voltage regulation circuit is based on the 78M05. While the IDUINO datasheets allow input voltages of up to 35V, the maximum input ratings of the 78M05 cannot be told clearly from the relevant datasheet and may be limited to 18V. As a matter of fact, connecting the DEBO DRV3 to an input voltage of 24V destroys the on-board 78M05 immediately. Due to pin compatibility, it is possible to replace the chip by an LM341, granting a maximum input voltage of 35V.

  2. After a couple of frustrating and unexplicable system crashes I found that the library documentation of khoih-prog/ESP8266TimerInterrupt is incomplete. The ESP8266 interrupt handling documentation states, that all interrupt service routines (ISR) need to be defined with the attribute IRAM_ATTR. This also applies for all functions called from the ISR itself. However, all examples based on the ISR-based Timer lack the IRAM_ATTR-attribute!
    Unfortunately the GITHUB-repository has been archived and new issues cannot be posted.

  3. For the clockwork to display local time, it was necessary to extend the PaulStoffregen/Time library with daylight saving time (DST) functionality. Not to reinvent the wheel, I have taken the maths from the excellent work of Andreas Spiess @SensorIOT/NTPtimeESP. I highly recommend his YouTube-channel.
    Find the (DST-)extended library here: FoxWhiskey/Time_DST

  4. During my tests I found, that the cpu clock of the ESP8266 is pretty unstable and also temperature-sensitive (to some extent at least).
    The first long time test showed, that the board drifts away from NTP time unacceptably fast (about 2 seconds early per day, in my case).
    v1.1.3 (and greater) implements a simple mechanism to re-synchronise the relevant ISRs to NTP-time, so that the clockwork is powered on time. An attentive clock-watcher therefore may notice a slightly longer or shorter (indicated) minute once in a while...
    An adaptive way to account for the time drift will be implemented with v1.3.1 and greater. See milestone on Github.

  5. Note, that flashing the ESP8266 with a new version of clickclock (or other firmware) does not erase systemdata stored in EEPROM. If you need default values to be considered on boot (those in wificonfig.h), flash memory of the system must be erased completely before flashing new firmware.
    Close any monitor windows of PlatfomIO and press "Erase Flash" in the PlatformIO-view of vscode.


If you are not interested in all the nerd stuff and just want to run the clockwork, proceed as follows:

  1. Setup an additional WiFi-network on your router and name it TimeNet. You may firewall all ports and services except UDP/123. Make it an open network, do not set a password.
  2. Download clickclock.bin from GitHub
  3. Turn the hands of your clockwork carefully to noon/midnight.
  4. Flash your ESP8266. Disconnect ESP from power as soon as flash process has completed.
  5. Connect clockwork to the driver board and power up the system.
  6. Wait until the clockwork has finished the time setting process and compare indicated time to another clock source. Long press BUTN_1, if clockwork is late by a minute.
  7. Long press BUTN_2 before power off to stop clockwork and save system state.
  • If power is disconnected without saving system state (7.), you must erase system EEPROM and start over with (3.)
  • Standard binary will set your clock to CET (Central European Time).

Why is clickclock a slave clock implementation?

Err, well, the wording is misleading, to be honest! The software acutally implements a mother clock :-).


A slave clock implentation for ESP8266 boards







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