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SSTuino II Core

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The Arduino core powering the SSTuino II


  • ⭕️ Arduino Core (Software)
  • 📟 Hardware / CAD Files
  • 📥 Installer
  • 📚 Library
  • 🛠 Helper Scripts
  • 📖 Documentation
  • ❓ Miscellaneous / Uncategorized

This repository is the Arduino core that powers the SSTuino II, a compact and easy-to-use 8-bit IoT enabled microcontroller made by FourierIndustries LLP.


  • megaavr/ - Arduino source code for this core


Boards Manager Installation

  • Open Arduino IDE.
  • Open the File > Preferences menu item.
  • Enter the following URL in Additional Boards Manager URLs:
  • Separate the URLs using a comma ( , ) if you have more than one URL
  • Open the Tools > Board > Boards Manager... menu item.
  • Wait for the platform indexes to finish downloading.
  • Scroll down until you see the SSTuino II entry and click on it.
  • Click Install.
  • After installation is complete close the Boards Manager window.

Manual Installation

Click on the "Download ZIP" button. Extract the ZIP file, and move the extracted folder to the location "~/Documents/Arduino/hardware" (for macOS). Create the "hardware" folder if it doesn't exist.

In addition, you will need to manually install the following libraries:

Open Arduino IDE and a new category in the boards menu called "SSTuino II" will show up.


This Arduino core functions mostly identically to all other Arduino cores, with some extensions specific to the ATmega4809 and its peripherals.

The following high-quality libraries for ATmega4809-specific extensions were written by MCUdude, and are included in this core as well:

  • Comparator
  • Event
  • Logic

Documentation Inline docs

Please refer to the FourierIndustries Knowledge Base. Beginners can refer to the Essentials Track, which has tutorials on the basics of an Arduino, and the fundamentals of IoT.

Known issues

There are no known issues in this repo.


If you encounter any issues with this repository, please do not hesitate to open an issue on this repository's Issue Tracker.

This was based on the awesome MegaCoreX made by MCUdude and is licensed as LGPL-2.1.