A wrapper for newman with added features.
- Run collection by name of collection or regex match of the name of collection
- Use environment by name of environment or regex match of the name of environment
- Override environment variables
curl -H 'X-Api-Key:${POSTMAN_API_TOKEN}' https://api.getpostman.com/collections
curl -H 'X-Api-Key:${POSTMAN_API_TOKEN}' https://api.getpostman.com/environments
docker build . -t newman-runner
docker run -e POSTMAN_API_TOKEN=****** newman-runner -e ${environment-regex-name} -c ${collection-regex-name}
# OR
yarn install
node -r esm app/index.mjs -e ${environment-regex-name} -c ${collection-regex-name} -u ${optional-argument}
docker run -e POSTMAN_API_TOKEN=****** newman-runner -e OBRI.master..Generated. -c ^End.To.End.Tests..Generated.$ -u FORGEROCK_PLATFORM_DOMAIN=master.forgerock.financial
# OR
POSTMAN_API_TOKEN=***** node -r esm app/index.mjs -e OBRI.master..Generated. -c ^End.To.End.Tests..Generated.$ -u FORGEROCK_PLATFORM_DOMAIN=master.forgerock.financial
POSTMAN_API_TOKEN: Required environment variable | API token for postman
collection, c: Required argument | Regex match of the collection name
environment, e: Required argument | Regex match of the environment name
updateEnvironment, u: Optional argument | Key value pairs of environment variables to override
newman-runner -c master -e "master.*dev" -u DOMAIN=example.com