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VTS-Sharp v2.3.0

A C# client interface for creating VTube Studio Plugins with the official VTube Studio API, for use in Unity and other C# runtime environments!


If you are updating your project from using a 1.x.x version of the library to using a 2.x.x version of the library, please read the migration guide, as the project was restructured in version 2.0.0 to decouple it from the Unity Engine, allowing it to be more easily used in other C# environments!


This library is maintained by Tom "Skeletom" Farro. If you need to contact him, the best way to do so is via Twitter or by leaving an issue ticket on this repo.

If you're more of an email-oriented person, you can contact his support email: [email protected].

This library can also be found on the Unity Asset Store, and the core library (with no Unity-specific components) can be downloaded as a NuGet Package, but this repo will always be the most up-to-date version.


In order to start making a plugin, follow these simple steps:

  1. Check to see which packages from this library you need for your project based on your C# environment.

    • If you are using Unity, make a class which extends VTS.Unity.UnityVTSPlugin.
    • If you are using any other C# environment, make a class which extends VTS.Core.CoreVTSPlugin, or which has one as a member variable.
  2. In your class, call the Initialize method on the plugin, which will attempt to connect to VTube Studio and authenticate the plugin.

    This method has you pass in your preferred implementations of:

    It also has you specify what happens when:

    • The plugin connects to VTube Studio successfully
    • The plugin disconnects from VTube Studio
    • The plugin encounters an error while attempting to connect to VTube Studio
  3. Once your plugin is authenticated, you can call any method found in the official VTube Studio API, which are built-in as appropriately named methods on the VTSPlugin class!

And that's it! In fact, if you're using Unity, these steps are all done for you already, out of the box, in the MyFirstPlugin class found in the Examples/Unity folder!.

You can find a video tutorial that demonstrates how to get started in under 90 seconds here.

Design Pattern and Considerations

Swappable Components

In order to afford the most flexibility (and to be as decoupled from Unity as possible), the underlying components of the VTSPlugin are all defined as interfaces. This allows you to swap out the built-in implementations with more robust or platform-compliant ones. By default, the MyFirstPlugin class features working implementations of all needed components, but if you want, you can pass in your own implementations via the Initialize method.

Asynchronous Design

Because the VTube Studio API is websocket-based, all calls to it are inherently asynchronous. As of version 2.1.0, there are now two design patterns included in this library. You can use the one that suits your perferences and needs the best!

This library also supports the VTube Studio Event Subscription API. With this feature, you can subscribe to various events to make sure your plugin gets a message when something happens in VTube Studio. Event Subscription follows a similar asynchronous design pattern.

Callback-based Design Pattern

The initial implementation of this library revolves around callbacks to achieve asynchronous results.

API Calls

Take, for example, the following method signature, found in the VTSPlugin class:

void GetAPIState(Action<VTSStateData> onSuccess, Action<VTSErrorData> onError)

The method accepts two callbacks, onSuccess and onError, but does not return a value.

Upon the request being processed by VTube Studio, one of these two callbacks will be invoked, depending on if the request was successful or not. The callback accepts in a single, strongly-typed argument reflecting the response payload. You can find what to expect in each payload class in the official VTube Studio API.

Event Subscription

Take, for example, the following method signature, found in the VTSPlugin class:

void SubscribeToTestEvent(VTSTestEventConfigOptions config, Action<VTSTestEventData> onEvent, Action<VTSEventSubscriptionResponseData> onSubscribe, Action<VTSErrorData> onError)

The method accepts an optional configuration class, and three callbacks, onEvent, onSubscribe and onError, but does not return a value.

Upon successfully subscribing to the event in VTube Studio, the onSubscribe callback will be invoked, and then onEvent will be invoked any time VTube Studio publishes an event of that type. If the subscription fails for any reason, onError will be invoked.

Async/Await-based Design Pattern

As of version 2.1.0, the library now supports the async and await pattern for asynchronous code.

API Calls

Take, for example, the following method signature, found in the VTSPlugin class:

async Task<VTSStateData> GetAPIState()

This method will can be called like so:

var stateData = await plugin.GetApiState();

Upon the request being processed by VTube Studio, the method will resolve into a payload of VTSStateData if the request was successful, or it will throw a VTSException if the request failed for any reason.

Event Subscription

Take, for example, the following method signature, found in the VTSPlugin class:

async Task<VTSEventSubscriptionResponseData> SubscribeToTestEvent(VTSTestEventConfigOptions config, Action<VTSTestEventData> onEvent)

The method accepts an optional configuration class, and one callback, onEvent.

Upon successfully subscribing to the event in VTube Studio, the method will resolve into a payload of VTSEventSubscriptionResponseData and then onEvent will be invoked any time VTube Studio publishes an event of that type. If the subscription fails for any reason, a VTSException will be thrown.

What Changed in 2.0.0?


As of version 2.0.0, the library has been split into two folders/packages: VTS/Core and VTS/Unity. The VTS/Core folder contains everything needed to build a plugin in any C# runtime environment, with no engine-specific code. The VTS/Unity folder contains Unity-specific wrappers for the core classes, allowing you to easily build a plugin as a Unity GameObject, following the original design of this library. If you are not looking to use Unity for your project, you can completely discard the VTS/Unity folder. However, if you are using Unity for your project, you will need both the VTS/Core and VTS/Unity folders, as the Unity components serve as wrappers for the Core library.

Breaking Changes

As of version 2.0.0, a few fundamental and breaking changes have been introduced in the interest of decoupling the library from Unity. If you are updating your project from using a 1.x.x version of the library to using a 2.x.x version of the library, please completely remove the library from your project, and re-import it while being aware of the following changes:

  • Namespaces have been totally reorganized. The two remaining namespaces are VTS.Core and VTS.Unity. These correspond to the aformentioned packages.
  • The VTSPlugin MonoBehaviour class has been renamed to UnityVTSPlugin, and moved into the VTS.Unity namespace. As such, please update your plugin classes to extend VTS.Unity.UnityVTSPlugin.
  • The VTSWebSocket MonoBehaviour class has been totally removed. You may safely remove it from any game objects. This class now exists as a pure C# equivalent.
  • Several of the built-in dependencies of the Initialize method have changed in various ways:
    • The IJsonUtility interface now has a NewtonsoftJsonUtilityImpl implementation that is suitable for all uses, leveraging the much more robust Newtonsoft JSON library.
    • The existing ITokenStorage implementation TokenStorageImpl now requires a root path to be passed in via the constructor. For Unity applications, you likely want to use Application.persistentDataPath, ex new TokenStorageImpl(Application.persistentDataPath).
    • The existing IWebSocket implementation WebSocketSharpImpl now requires an IVTSLogger to be passed in via the constructor. For Unity applications, you can use the builtin logger from the VTSPlugin MonoBehaviour, ex new WebSocketSharpImpl(this.Logger)
    • The onError callback method now accepts an VTSErrorData argument.


interface IVTSPlugin

Provided Implementations

  • VTS.Core.CoreVTSPlugin
  • VTS.Unity.UnityVTSPlugin


string PluginName

The name of this plugin. Required for authorization purposes.

string PluginAuthor

The name of this plugin's author. Required for authorization purposes.

string PluginIcon

The icon of this for this plugin, as a base64 string. Optional, must be exactly 128*128 pixels in size.

VTSWebSocket Socket

The underlying WebSocket for connecting to VTS.

ITokenStorage TokenStorage

The underlying Token Storage mechanism for connecting to VTS.

IJsonUtility JsonUtility

The underlying JSON serializer/deserializer implementation.

IVTSLogger Logger

The underlying Logger implementation.

bool IsAuthenticated

Is the plugin currently authenticated?


void Initialize

Connects to VTube Studio, authenticates the plugin, and also selects the WebSocket, JSON Utility, and Token Storage implementations. Takes the following args:

  • IWebSocket webSocket: The WebSocket implementation.
  • IJsonUtility jsonUtility: The JSON serializer/deserializer implementation.
  • ITokenStorage tokenStorage: The Token Storage implementation.
  • Action onConnect: Callback executed upon successful initialization.
  • Action onDisconnect: Callback executed upon disconnecting from VTS (accidental or otherwise).
  • Action<VTSErrorData> onError: Callback executed upon failed initialization.

The plugin will attempt to intelligently choose a port to connect to, using the following criteria:

  • It will first attempt to connect to the designated port (8001 by default, can be manually set with SetPort).
  • If that fails, it will attempt to connect to the first port discovered by UDP.
  • If that takes too long and times out, it will attempt to connect to the default port (8001).

Task InitializeAsync

Connects to VTube Studio, authenticates the plugin, and also selects the WebSocket, JSON Utility, and Token Storage implementations. Takes the following args:

  • IWebSocket webSocket: The WebSocket implementation.
  • IJsonUtility jsonUtility: The JSON serializer/deserializer implementation.
  • ITokenStorage tokenStorage: The Token Storage implementation.
  • Action onDisconnect: Callback executed upon disconnecting from VTS (accidental or otherwise).

If this method fails to execute, it will throw a VTSException.

void Disconnect

Disconnects from VTube Studio. Will fire the onDisconnect callback set via the Initialize method.

Dictionary<int, VTSStateBroadcastData> GetPorts

Generates a dictionary indexed by port number containing information about all available VTube Studio ports.

For more info, see API Server Discovery (UDP) on the official VTube Studio API.

bool SetPort

Sets the connection port to the given number. Returns true if the number is a valid VTube Studio port, returns false otherwise.

If the port number is changed while an active connection exists, you will need to reconnect. Takes the following args:

  • int port The port number to set.

bool SetIPAddress

Sets the connection IP address to the given string. Returns true if the string is a valid IP Address format, returns false otherwise.

If the IP Address is changed while an active connection exists, you will need to reconnect. Takes the following args:

  • string ipString The string form of the IP address, in dotted-quad notation for IPv4.

VTube Studio API Requests

Request methods can be inferred from the official VTube Studio API.

VTube Studio API Events

Event subscription methods can be inferred from the official VTube Studio Event Subscription API.

interface IWebSocket

Provided Implementations

  • VTS.Core.WebSocketSharpImpl
  • VTS.Core.WebSocketImpl


string GetNextResponse

Fetches the next response to process.

void Start

Connects to the given URL and executes the relevant callback on completion. Takes the following args:

  • string URL: URL to connect to.
  • Action onConnect: Callback executed upon connecting to the URL.
  • Action onDisconnect: Callback executed upon disconnecting from the URL (accidental or otherwise).
  • Action<Exception> onError: Callback executed upon receiving an error.

void Stop

Closes the websocket. Executes the onDisconnect callback as specified in the Start method call.

bool IsConnecting

Is the socket in the process of connecting?

bool IsConnectionOpen

Has the socket successfully connected?

void Send

Send a payload to the websocket server. Takes the following args:

  • string message: The payload to send.

interface IJsonUtility

Provided Implementations

  • VTS.Core.NewtonsoftJsonUtilityImpl
  • VTS.Unity.UnityJsonUtilityImpl (deprecated)


T FromJson<T>

Deserializes a JSON string into an object of the specified type. Takes the following args:

  • T: The type to deserialize into.
  • string json: The JSON string.

string ToJson

Converts an object into a JSON string. Takes the following args:

  • object obj: The object to serialize.

interface ITokenStorage

Provided Implementations

  • VTS.Core.TokenStorageImpl


string LoadToken

Loads the auth token.

void SaveToken

Saves an auth token. Takes the following args:

  • string token: The token to save.

void DeleteToken

Deletes the auth token.

interface IVTSLogger

Provided Implementations

  • VTS.Core.ConsoleVTSLoggerImpl
  • VTS.Unity.UnityVTSLoggerImpl


void Log

Logs a message. Takes the following args:

  • string message: The message to log.

void LogWarning

Logs a warning. Takes the following args:

  • string warning: The warning to log.

void LogError

Logs an error. Takes the following args:

  • string error: The error to log.

void LogError

Logs an error. Takes the following args:

  • Exception error: The exception to log.


None of this would be possible without Denchi's tireless work on VTube Studio itself.

An implementation of IWebSocket using WebSocketSharp has been included for use, adhering to the library's MIT license.

An implementation of IJsonUtility using Newtonsoft's JSON.NET has been included for use, adhering to the library's MIT license.

Made With VTS-Sharp

Below is a list of some plugins which were made using this library! If you have made something you would like included on this list, please send Tom a message.

Plugin Developer Explanation
PentabInfoPickerForVTS (Video) Ganeesya An app which allows users to control their model with a tablet and pen.
VTS-ChangeEyeColor (Github) TaniNatsumi An app which allows users to change the eye colors of their model. Can change each eye color individually (heterochromia).
VTSLive fastest_yukkuri An app which allows VTube Studio to reflect the movement of analog and digital clocks, the movement of the sun and moon, and weather information from around the world.
VTS-Mod MechaWolfVtuberShin An app which allows users to change the surface color of the model including RGB. It can also change the rotation of the model.
Twitch Integrated Throwing System (T.I.T.S) (Video) Remasuri3 An app which allows your chat to bully you as much as possible >:D It can be used with or without VTube Studio to let people throw items at your face!
VTS-Heartrate (Video) Skeletom An app which allows users to connect their heartrate data to VTube Studio, to cause their model to become flushed under stress and breathe more heavily, among other things.
ViewLink Kawa Entertainment An app for translating 3D VR movement into Live2D motion tracking, allowing you to stream VR games with your Live2D model.
VBridger (Video) PiPuProductions An app designed for VTube Studio and Live2D, which allows the user to make better use of iPhoneX ARKit tracking on their Live2D model.
Audiomimi (Video) Artemiz An app that allows you to use SFX based on VTS parameter movement.
VTS Desktop Audio (Video) Lua V. Lucky An app that allows you to control your model with your desktop audio! Converts various parts of the audio spectrum to custom tracking parameters.
Twitch High Intensity Color Changer (T.H.I.C.C) Remasuri3 An app which allows your chat to change colors on your model via point redeems and other events!
Winter Wonderland Twitch Overlay (Video) Lua V. Lucky An app which provides numerous festive elements for any stream. Decorate a Christmas tree, pelt the streamer with snowballs, and more!
VInput (Video) xiaoye1997 An app for sending data to VTubeStudio, such as game controller inputs, racing steering wheel data, time data, hardware monitoring data and data derived from custom LUA scripting.
VtubeStudioSimpleSETool (Video) Mononobe Monoko An app for playing Sound Effects (SE) and displaying particle effects based on your movement.
Camera Optical Flow Tracking Into VTube Studio PengCho An app for real-time vlogging with just a single, forward-facing camera. It automatically points your model's gaze towards the direction that the video feed is moving using Optical Flow techniques! No tracking camera needed.