Slider directive implementation for AngularJS, without any dependencies:
- Mobile friendly
- Fast
- Well documented
- Customizable
- Simple to use
- Keyboard support
- Compatibility with jQuery Lite, ie. with full jQuery ( Thanks Jusas!
- Supports right to left
- Various examples:
- Same examples with live code:
Make sure the report is accompanied by a reproducible demo. The ideal demo is created by forking our standard jsFiddle, adding your own code and stripping it down to an absolute minimum needed to demonstrate the bug.
If the slider's parent element is not visible during slider initialization, the slider can't know when its parent becomes visible. For instance, when displaying a slider inside an element which visibility is toggled using ng-show, you need to send an event to force it to redraw when you set your ng-show to true.
Here's an example of refreshSlider
method that you should call whenever the slider becomes visible.
vm.refreshSlider = function () {
$timeout(function () {
UI-Boostrap tabs example:
npm i angularjs-slider
$ bower install --save angularjs-slider
Directly use (replace X.X.X
by the version you want to use):
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/slider/rzslider.css"/>
<script src="/path/to/angularjs/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/slider/rzslider.min.js"></script>
angular.module('yourApp', ['rzModule']);
// In your controller
$scope.priceSlider = 150;
<rzslider rz-slider-model="priceSlider"></rzslider>
Above example would render a slider from 0 to 150. If you need floor and ceiling values use rz-slider-options
attribute and provide an object with floor
and ceil
$scope.slider = {
value: 150,
options: {
floor: 0,
ceil: 450
If you don't want to bother with an object set in your javascript file, you can pass an anonymous object literal to the slider options:
rz-slider-options="{floor: 0, ceil: 450}"></rzslider>
$scope.value = 150;
// In your controller
$scope.slider = {
min: 100,
max: 180,
options: {
floor: 0,
ceil: 450
Model for low value slider. If only rz-slider-model is provided single slider will be rendered.
Model for high value slider. Providing both rz-slider-model and rz-slider-high will render range slider.
An object with all the other options of the slider. Each option can be updated at runtime and the slider will automatically be re-rendered.
The default options are:
floor: 0,
ceil: null, //defaults to rz-slider-model
step: 1,
precision: 0,
minRange: 0,
id: null,
translate: null,
stepsArray: null,
draggableRange: false,
draggableRangeOnly: false,
showSelectionBar: false,
showSelectionBarEnd: false,
showSelectionBarFromValue: null,
hideLimitLabels: false,
readOnly: false,
disabled: false,
interval: 350,
showTicks: false,
showTicksValues: false,
ticksTooltip: null,
ticksValuesTooltip: null,
vertical: false,
getSelectionBarColor: null,
getPointerColor: null,
keyboardSupport: true,
scale: 1,
enforceStep: true,
enforceRange: false,
noSwitching: false,
onlyBindHandles: false,
onStart: null,
onChange: null,
onEnd: null,
rightToLeft: false
floor - Number (defaults to 0): Minimum value for a slider.
ceil - Number (defaults to rz-slider-model
value): Maximum value for a slider.
step - Number (defaults to 1): Step between each value.
precision - Number (defaults to 0): The precision to display values with. The toFixed()
is used internally for this.
minRange - Number (defaults to 0): The minimum range authorized on the slider. Applies to range slider only.
translate - Function(value, sliderId, label): Custom translate function. Use this if you want to translate values displayed on the slider.
can be used to determine the slider for which we are translating the value. label
is a string that can take the following values:
- 'model': the model label
- 'high': the high label
- 'floor': the floor label
- 'ceil': the ceil label
- 'tick-value': the ticks labels
For example if you want to display dollar amounts instead of just numbers:
$scope.slider = {
value: 0,
options: {
floor: 0,
ceil: 100,
translate: function(value) {
return '$' + value;
id - Any (defaults to null): If you want to use the same translate
function for several sliders, just set the id
to anything you want, and it will be passed to the translate(value, sliderId)
function as a second argument.
stepsArray - Array: If you want to display a slider with non linear/number steps. Just pass an array with each slider value and that's it; the floor, ceil and step settings of the slider will be computed automatically. The rz-slider-model
value will be the index of the selected item in the stepsArray.
draggableRange - Boolean (defaults to false): When set to true and using a range slider, the range can be dragged by the selection bar. Applies to range slider only.
draggableRangeOnly - Boolean (defaults to false): Same as draggableRange but the slider range can't be changed. Applies to range slider only.
showSelectionBar - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to always show the selection bar before the slider handle.
showSelectionBarEnd - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to always show the selection bar after the slider handle.
showSelectionBarFromValue - Number (defaults to null): Set a number to draw the selection bar between this value and the slider handle.
getSelectionBarColor - Function(value) or Function(minVal, maxVal) (defaults to null): Function that returns the current color of the selection bar. If the returned color depends on a model value (either rzScopeModel
or 'rzSliderHigh
), you should use the argument passed to the function. Indeed, when the function is called, there is no certainty that the model has already been updated.
getPointerColor - Function(value, pointerType) (defaults to null): Function that returns the current color of a pointer. If the returned color depends on a model value (either rzScopeModel
or 'rzSliderHigh
), you should use the argument passed to the function. Indeed, when the function is called, there is no certainty that the model has already been updated. To handle range slider pointers independently, you should evaluate pointerType within the given function where "min" stands for rzScopeModel
and "max" for rzScopeHigh
hideLimitLabels - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to hide min / max labels
readOnly - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to make the slider read-only.
disabled - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to disable the slider.
interval - Number in ms (defaults to 350): Internally, a throttle
function (See is used when the model or high values of the slider are changed from outside the slider. This is to prevent from re-rendering the slider too many times in a row. interval
is the number of milliseconds to wait between two updates of the slider.
showTicks - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to display a tick for each step of the slider.
showTicksValues - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to display a tick and the step value for each step of the slider.
ticksTooltip - Function(value) (defaults to null): (requires angular-ui bootstrap) Used to display a tooltip when a tick is hovered. Set to a function that returns the tooltip content for a given value.
ticksValuesTooltip - Function(value) (defaults to null): Same as ticksTooltip
but for ticks values.
scale - Number (defaults to 1): If you display the slider in an element that uses transform: scale(0.5)
, set the scale
value to 2 so that the slider is rendered properly and the events are handled correctly.
enforceStep - Boolean (defaults to true): Set to true to force the value to be rounded to the step, even when modified from the outside.. When set to false, if the model values are modified from outside the slider, they are not rounded and can be between two steps.
enforceRange - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to round the rzSliderModel
and rzSliderHigh
to the slider range even when modified from outside the slider. When set to false, if the model values are modified from outside the slider, they are not rounded but they are still rendered properly on the slider.
noSwitching - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to prevent to user from switching the min and max handles. Applies to range slider only.
onlyBindHandles - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to only bind events on slider handles.
onStart - Function(sliderId, modelValue, highValue): Function to be called when a slider update is started. If an id was set in the options, then it's passed to this callback. This callback is called before any update on the model.
onChange - Function(sliderId, modelValue, highValue): Function to be called when rz-slider-model or rz-slider-high change. If an id was set in the options, then it's passed to this callback.
onEnd - Function(sliderId, modelValue, highValue): Function to be called when a slider update is ended. If an id was set in the options, then it's passed to this callback.
rightToLeft - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to show graphs right to left. If vertical is true it will be from top to bottom and left / right arrow functions reversed.
vertical - Boolean (defaults to false): Set to true to display the slider vertically. The slider will take the full height of its parent. Changing this value at runtime is not currently supported.
keyboardSupport - Boolean (defaults to true): Handles are focusable (on click or with tab) and can be modified using the following keyboard controls:
- Left/bottom arrows: -1
- Right/top arrows: +1
- Page-down: -10%
- Page-up: +10%
- Home: minimum value
- End: maximum value
If you want the change the default options for all the sliders displayed in your application, you can set them using the RzSliderOptions.options()
angular.module('App', ['rzModule'])
.run(function( RzSliderOptions ) {
// show ticks for all sliders
RzSliderOptions.options( { showTicks: true } );
To force slider to recalculate dimensions, broadcast reCalcViewDimensions event from parent scope. This is useful for example when you use slider inside a widget where the content is hidden at start - see the "Sliders into modal" example on the demo site.
You can also force redraw with rzSliderForceRender event.
At the end of each "slide" slider emits slideEnded
$scope.$on("slideEnded", function() {
// user finished sliding a handle
I use Slider on couple of my projects and it's being tested on desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 9/10 (Ticks are displayed using flex display so they don't work on IE9). Slider is also tested on Android and iPhone using all browsers available on those platforms.
This project is based on It has been rewritten from scratch in JavaScript (the original source was written in CoffeeScript).
Licensed under the MIT license