This is a project made using python and different libraries, that I'm developing for fun.
It started as me just trying to make my own taks manager perfomace graph thingy:
It did no go well in the beginning since I pretty much gave up on it for a while but I came up with different functionalities for it as you will see...
And yes if you thing that somethings look like ChatGPT made it, its because it probably did, since I'm using to learn things.
Just a silly little "loading" screen, jsut to give the impression that its accuatly loading something (but it's not)
I got the flamingo ASCII from
I used tqdm for the loading bar
And for the colour text I just used ANSI Escape Sequences
- This window is just used for navagating to different functionalities windows
- It also shows the current date and weather condition
Home functions
Work Functions
Closing the terminal
Opens my most used firefox tabs
Does absoluty nothing
Shows the percentage of cpu and ram being used and it also shows how much space is being used in both of my disks I used tqdm and psutil for this
Its a youtube video downloader using pytubefix since I couldn't make the acctual pytube work, don't know why. You can download the video as an MP4 or MP3, once the download is the the folder containg the file will pop open
Returns to previus window
Open Asana links that I use at work
Open websites that I have to test (I'm a QA at the momment)
Its starts an Appium server (used for mobile automatic tests)
Start the ADB server so it can connect my phone to the pc
Open's multiple 4devs windows that I use for generating informations
Goes to the previus window