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HTC Vive Teleportation System v3.0.0

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@Flafla2 Flafla2 released this 13 Jan 09:55
· 1 commit to master since this release

Requires the SteamVR Plugin for Unity. Install SteamVR BEFORE installing this unitypackage.

See the Getting Started section of the README for initial setup tips.


  • [ViveNavMesh] Added Layer Mask, allowing users to filter the collider types that the system recognizes. Also added the ability to ignore trigger colliders.
  • [ViveNavMesh] Added "Navmesh Dewarping" to combat degenerate Navmesh bakes (such as Navmesh bakes with incorrectly-sloped faces). See README for more info.
  • [ViveNavMesh] Added "Sample Radius" parameter, that should be set to your Unity Navmesh voxel size (Navigation>Bake>Advanced>Voxel Size). This resolves a number of reported issues where the indicator circle does not appear (see #15 and #30).
  • [ParabolicPointer] Added an alternate selection pad mesh when the player points at an invalid / non-teleportable surface (by default, a red X).
  • [TeleportVive] Exposed TeleportVive::CurrentTeleportState, informing the surrounding app that teleporting is in use.
  • Added offline (HTML) documentation.


  • [ParabolicPointer] Selection pad mesh customization (for both "valid" and "invalid" teleportable states) are now customized through a prefab (see Vive-Teleporter/Art/Prefabs). This should make it easier to change the look of your pointer.
  • [TeleportVive] Tweaked haptic feedback behavior.
    • Haptic feedback clicking now considers horizontal / lateral movement
    • Haptic feedback is now disabled when pointing at an invalid surface
    • Added slightly harder click when user begins to point at a valid surface
  • [ParabolicPointer] Increased the default point count from 15 to 25
  • Border Renderer and Parabolic Pointer now respect the render layer of their GameObject
  • Parabolic Pointer and Vive Teleporter now create new instances of their Materials on start. This fixes a number of aesthetic bugs in the scene view and prevents the scripts from modifying the material files themselves.
  • Officially compatible with Unity 5.5 and SteamVR plugin 1.2.0.


  • [ViveNavMesh] Fixed a bug where the indicator circle does not appear under some circumstances (see #15 and #30). To fix, increase the Vive Navmesh "Sample Radius" parameter.
  • [ViveNavMesh] Fixed bug where the Ground Alpha is not editable in the inspector
  • [ViveNavMesh] Fixed a bug in the scene view where ViveNavMesh would not render the ground after exiting play mode.
  • [TeleportVive] Fixed bug where the chaperone border preview was rotated incorrectly if the camera rig (origin transform) had a rotation other than 0.