This is a Material Theme port of both the IDE and Color scheme for JetBrains products.
Please note: This is a work in progress. There are some work to be done before this can be considered stable.
Special thanks to @mallowigi for doing a fantastic job keeping the plugin alive and extending it with some very nice features. Well done!
Note: You can have a sneak peak of the features to come in his repository: Material Theme Jetbrains EAP
Thanks to the awesome guys at JetBrains the plugin is now supported on pretty much all IDEs from the same company. I've tested it on IntelliJ, PhpStorm, WebStorm, RubyMine, PyCharm, DataGrip and CLion. For the rest of the IDEs I haven't tested it yet, but it should still work fine.
- Any JetBrains IDE (I haven't tested all of them, but I'm pretty certain it should work on the majority)
- Android Studio is not supported yet :^(
- Open the Settings/Preferences dialog (OSX/Unix: ⌘,, Windows: Ctrl+Alt+S)
- In the left-hand pane, select Plugins.
- Click Browse repositories... and search for
Material Theme UI
- Click Install plugin and confirm your intention to download and install the plugin.
- Click OK in the Settings dialog and restart for the changes to take effect.
Note: This is not installing a new Look And Feel, instead, it is overwriting the Darcula theme. Therefore, when you switch to another LAF and select back Darcula, you will revert to the original Darcula LAF. You will probably need to restart the IDE to retrieve the Material LAF.
There are many ways to change the Material Theme Look and Feel of the IDE:
- From the IDE menu:
Tools -> Material Theme
- From the main toolbar, there is an icon like a blue dot.
- From the
Search Everything
, look forMaterial
- From the
Quick Switch
panel Ctrl+` (Windows: Ctrl + ~)
There are currently 4 themes available:
- Default Theme (also called Oceanic Theme) - A nice Oceanic Blue like theme
- Darker Theme - A more classic Dark Theme
- Lighter Theme - A light variation of the theme
- Palenight Theme - A more purplish theme
And you can also disable the theming and revert to the original Darcula, while still keeping Material Theme additions such as the icons and UI components.
There might be other themes in the future, or even the possibilities to add custom themes, but it's not the priority at the moment!
This plugin will not set the new color scheme for you, as that would cause a couple problems. You need to set the new color scheme manually:
- Open the Settings/Preferences dialog again.
- In the left-hand pane, select Editor -> Colors & Fonts.
- In the Scheme dropdown, you'll find 4 new schemes:
Material Theme - Default
,Material Theme - Darker
,Material Theme - Palenight
andMaterial Theme - Lighter
. - Choose the scheme you like and hit Apply and OK.
Shortcut: Ctrl+` (Windows: Ctrl + ~) then hit 1. Color scheme
and select your desired color scheme.
This plugin is coming with these bundled color schemes, the same way that IntelliJ comes with predefined color schemes such as Darcula, Solarized, Monokai and such. Therefore whenever you change one of their values to suit your needs the IDE will be creating a copy of the bundled scheme, and it will appear blued in the select box.
That also means that subsequent updates of the plugin's color schemes will not be reflected to your copies. In order to receive them, you will need to reset your changes:
- Go to Colors and Fonts. At the right of your selected color scheme there is a gear icon.
- Click on the gear and choose Restore defaults.
Of course you will lose all your changes, so if you need to reflect them back after resetting, create a copy first and go change by change.
Note: Sometimes resetting the defaults will not work... In this case you will have to manually delete your copy:
Then delete the "@_user_Material Theme" icls files.
File Colors is an option in IntelliJ IDEA to put a background color in the Project View and Tabs to certain files belonging to a scope.
Such scopes may be Project Files, Non-Project Files, Libraries, Tests and so on. Originally, the IDE is bundled with two predefined File Colors:
Non-Project Files
and Tests
However, the colors prebundled are more suited to the original Darcula color scheme, so it is out of contrast with the bundled Material Themes.
So, much like color schemes, the Material Theme is now prebundled with specific file colors for Non-project files
. You can see them in *Options -> Appearance -> File Colors.
However, to be able to see them take priority, you would have to put your relevant file color at the top, before the ones bundled with IDEA. It is not done automatically as we don't want to override user settings, so make sure to do so if you want to use them.
The plugin is programmed to replace the main IDE font with the one usually used in Material Design apps and websites, Roboto
. Of course, you can still replace it with a custom font of yours in the settings:
Appearance -> Override defaults fonts.
Don't forget though that the plugin doesn't come with the aforementioned font. Therefore, you need to install it first to be able to see the results:
Just install the font (if you want to), then restart the IDE to see if you like it :)
Much like the Sublime plugin, the plugin also comes with a Contrast Mode to put more contrast between different components of the IDE. These elements are:
- Sidebars: Whether it is the Project View Sidebar, the Settings Sidebar or in the Version Control Tool Window.
- Tabs: Contrast between the active tab and the other tabs.
- Tables, Lists and Inputs
To set/unset the Contrast Mode, either go to Settings -> Tools -> Material Theme and check/uncheck Contrast Mode
, or click on the black and white icon on the Main Toolbar.
Custom Wallpaper is not a feature made by the plugin but instead make use of one of the features of the IDE to set a background image.
You can find it by opening the action panel (Cmd-shift-a
) and type Set background image. The plugin option mainly make use of this feature unknown by many users.
Therefore some things need to be known:
- If you rather want to use the IDE's feature, turn off the option in the Material Theme completely. This will prevent the background to be changed at start.
- If you want to disable the background completely, set the custom wallpaper path to be empty and the checkbox on, then click Apply, and finally uncheck the option and save.
- And same if you want to disable the plugin, it will not revert back the blank wallpaper, you will have to open the IDE's dialog.
You can customize some plugin features in a Settings Panel under Settings -> Tools -> Material Theme:
Active Tab Settings:
- Active Tab Highlight: Customize active tab indicator color and thickness
- Bold tabs: Set tab font bold
- Tabs Height: Set a custom height for tabs (between 25 and 60 pixels)
Panel Settings:
- Contrast Mode: Add contrast to some of the IDE's components (currently only the Tabs and Tree)
- Hide Icons: Hide file icons (you must have Material Icons options on)
- Compact Sidebar: Reduce line height between list items in sidebars
- Custom Tree Indent: Increase or reduce indentation in the sidebar (min: 2, max: 8)
- Compact Status Bar: Reduce the height of the status bar (this is the default height)
Component Settings:
- Custom Wallpaper: Set a custom wallpaper for the "no files opened" page
- Material Design components: Enable/Disable Material Design components (Buttons, Progress Bars...)
- Material Icons: Enable/Disable the Material Theme icons to the original ones
- Material Theme: Enable/Disable the material theme styles
- Project View Decorators: Enable/Disable the Project View Decorators such as "current opened folders" indicators
- Themed Scrollbars: Enable/Disable transparency in scrollbars
More features are to come!
- JDK 1.8
You can simplify development process thanks to Intellij's Gradle plugin. Install the plugin, restart the IDE and you will be prompted with a window asking if you want to import the project as a Gradle project. After that IntelliJ will download the Gradle Wrapper and the tasks will appear in the Gradle Tool Panel on the right.
Import the project from the build.gradle
file and develop as normal. Make
sure you select JDK 8 in the import wizard. The other defaults are fine. You
can run the above mentioned CLI Gradle tasks directly in the "Gradle" Tool
Window, which expands from the right side of the screen. To debug, find
"runIde" in the list, right-click it, and choose Run/Debug.
Pull requests are appreciated! I can use some help on bugs and features listed in [], or you can send me some new ideas!
However, please note that this is a plugin dedicated to replicate the Sublime plugin, so it should coincide with its features and not deviate too much.
Twitter: @crmag @ChrisRM @Mallowigi
Thanks to @equinusocio for the inspiration.
Icon Reference:
- All file icons have been built using the tools provided by A File Icon. Great thanks to them!
- And of course many thanks to the SVG creators:
Also many thanks to other plugin developers for helping me solving A LOT of issues:
- Nyan Progress Bar
- Afterglow Theme
- Git Toolbox
- Browse Word At Caret
- GitIgnore
- Project Label
- And of course the original plugin Material Theme UI
Thanks to all original plugin contributors, EAP contributors and a special thanks to the guys at JetBrains for contributing and showing interest in the project!
Color Schemes Reference
Color | Default / Darker | Lighter |
Red | #FF5370 |
#E53935 |
Pink | #f07178 |
#FF5370 |
Orange | #F78C6C |
#F76D47 |
Yellow | #FFCB6B |
#FFB62C |
Green | #C3E88D |
#91B859 |
Pale Blue | #B2CCD6 |
#8796B0 |
Cyan | #89DDFF |
#39ADB5 |
Blue | #82AAFF |
#6182B8 |
Purple | #C792EA |
#7C4DFF |
Violet | #bb80b3 |
#945EB8 |
Brown | #ab7967 |
#ab7967 |
Color Theme Reference
Color | Default | Darker | Lighter | Palenight |
Background | 263238 |
212121 |
292D3E |
Foreground | B0BEC5 |
B0BEC5 |
A7ADB0 |
B0BEC5 |
Selection | 546E7A |
424242 |
546E7A |
676E95 |
Primary Color | 607D8B |
616161 |
A7ADB0 |
Alternative Color | 546E7A |
616161 |
B0BEC5 |
676E95 |
Inactive | 415967 |
474747 |
D2D4D5 |
4E5579 |
Accent Colors
Accent | Color |
Cyan | 80CBC4 |