We present a novel method to estimate the dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector pair of any non-negative real matrix via graph infection.
The algorithm only requires a few lines of code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
for i in range(num_steps):
x_new = x_old + A @ x_old * Delta_t
I_new = np.sum(x_new)
m = (math.log(I_new) - math.log(I_old)) / Delta_t
dominant_eigenval = (math.exp(m * Delta_t) - 1) / Delta_t
x_old = x_new
I_old = I_new
pip install numpy networkx
python3 graph_infection_method.py
Rscript graph_infection_method.r
Research paper accepted by Proc. 16th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2023), Leicester, UK.
Extended abstract accepted by the Graph Signal Processing (GSP) Workshop 2023, Oxford, UK
Please see our arvix paper for more details: Arvix https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.00982
title={Dominant Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Pair Estimation via Graph Infection},
author={Yang, Kaiyuan and Xia, Li and Tay, YC},
booktitle={International Conference on Graph Transformation},