This repo is a heap of old programs made when I was learning my way around C++. They'd be sitting on my hard drive doing nothing otherwise. A short description of each file follows:
MyDate - Simply outputs to the command line the day the program was made.
ScoreAvg - Takes command line input of three numbers and finds the average of them.
GameList - Uses linked lists to keep a tally of game titles to a digital 'shelf' using strings via command line. Needs to be updated, as strings containing spaces throw the program for a loop.
guess_my_number - Random number between 1 and 100 generated, takes guesses from user via command line.
guess_your_number 2 - Allows user to input a number between 1 and 100, guesses input number.
myMod - Uses the modulus operator for 4 on every number between 1 and 20.
stairs - Recursively generates an ascii staircase via command line
tester - A word jumble game via command line, complete with hints.