Simple command line tool for overlaying colors implemented in Kotlin
java -jar colsum.jar -b "lightyellow" -e "rgb(55, 12, 2, 0.4) + rgba(calc(0.5 + 0.5), 50, 217, 0.3)"
— expression, -e -> Expression for computation (always required) { String }
— background, -b [#FFF] -> background color { String }
— help, -h -> Usage info
— background, -b [#FFF] -> background color { String }
— help, -h -> Usage info
Grammar of expressions (ABNF):
root = color [ " + " color ]*
color = color-function / hex-color / named-color
named-color = white ;
color-function = rgb-function / rgba-function / hsl-function / hsla-function
rgb-function =
"rgb(" ( rgb-arg ", " ){2} rgb-arg [ ", " alpha-arg ] ")" /
"rgb(" ( rgb-arg ", " ){2} rgb-arg [ ", " rgb-arg ] ")"
rgba-function =
"rgba(" ( rgb-arg ", " ){2} rgb-arg [ ", " alpha-arg ] ")" /
"rgba(" ( rgb-arg ", " ){2} rgb-arg [ ", " rgb-arg ] ")"
hsl-function =
"hsl(" hue ( ", " percent-or-none ){2} [ ", " alpha-arg ] ) /
"hsl(" hue percent-or-none{2} [ " / " alpha-arg ] ")"
hsla-function =
"hsla(" hue ( ", " percent-or-none ){2} [ ", " alpha-arg ] ) /
"hsla(" hue percent-or-none{2} [ " / " alpha-arg ] ")"
hue = number / angle / none
rgb-arg = number / percent-or-none
percent-or-none = percent / none
alpha-arg = percent / number
hex-color =
"#" hex-group{3} [ hex-group ] /
"#" HEXDIG{3} [ HEXDIG ]
hex-group = HEXDIG HEXDIG
calc-function = "calc(" calc-sum ")"
calc-sum = calc-product [ [ " + " / " - " ] calc-product ]*
calc-product = calc-value [ [ " * " / " / " ] calc-value ]*
calc-value =
number /
percent /
calc-constant /
calc-function /
'(' calc-sum ')'
calc-constant =
e /
pi /
infinity /
-infinity /
number = 1; regex: ^[+\-]?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?
percent = number "%"
angle = number ("deg" / "grad" / "turn" / "rad")
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A brief structural components overview
The translator was build according to the classical 3-layer scheme: lexer, parser and executor
- Lexer:
Lexer tries to apply the token patterns to the sources. If token matches the pattern (regular expression) then lexer identifies and classifies it. The result of tokenization process is the list token types and their actual string values. - Parser:
Parser builds AST from token sequence. It checks correctness of token subsequences - the way how token chains supplement each other. - Executor:
Executor finishes the flow with AST nodes execution. Every node is implemented as a functor that returns AST node or domain-specific data wrapper
Colors are superimposed like, for example, in the Mozilla Firefox browser. Formulas are presented below:
resAlpha = bgAlpha + addingAlpha * (1 - bgAlpha)
resRed = (bgRed * bgAlpha * (1 - addingAlpha) + addingRed * addingAlpha) / resAlpha