Solution for a challenge from
The challenge was to build a web page based on a given picture. The only other requierement was to implement a reusable card component. The data has to be obtained from an API, and the card must adapt to the data throw some variables. I used this challenge as a first React practice. My intention was to use all my recently adquiere knowledges about this framework in a full frontend practice.
The full features list requeried by this challenge is:
- Create a coffee listing page that matches the given design.
- Use React or other Front-end libraries for this challenge.
- Create a Reusable Card component.
- The card component should include a picture, name, pricing, rating, and number of votes if exists.
- The card component should render popular tag, availability status conditionally.
- Render Coffee list with given data. The data should come from a given API or downloaded JSON file.
- Users can choose to list all products or just available products.
- Deploy the solution and submit Repository URL and Demo URL.
- GitHub FedericoQuarin
- LinkedIn FedericoQuarin