This project is a computer build service
It is being developed following the example of clean architecture & according to the DDD design method
- ASP.NET Core 6
- ASP.NET Core BlazorWebAssebmly 6
- ASP.NET Core Restfull-WebAPI
This course work plan is preliminary, because the list of tasks to be solved in the process of creating a new version of the application may undergo significant processing. As the functionality is created, the plan will be revised.
- Repository registration
- Implement all entities
- Builds
- User
- Role
- Manufacturer
- Components
- Add Repository to each entities
- Make the first migration
- Add Services to each entities
- Add Citilink parser for autofill components
- Add FillProvider to manage fill grab components couple with entities
- Add UnitOfWork
- Add custom DependencyInjection
- Add DbInitializer
- Add DbTransaction to manage transactions
- Deploy the application on the docker
- Add DTO / Requests & Responses
- Add Commands and AutoMapper
- Link the above additions through the MediatR pattern
- Add commands to each operation
- Implement the possibility of adding to the cart items
- Add Citilink push basket service