This FeatureCloud app implements a federated cox proportional hazards model based on the lifelines library. It implements the WebDisco approach:
This app does not work on a single client execution. At least 2 participants are needed. This app is frontend based. No config-file needed.
Input can be specified through the app frontend. There is no config file or input data required upfront.
- File upload
- File type (CSV or TSV)
- Define duration and event columns name
- Define max number of iterations and convergence criterium
- Use only the intersection of covariates of all clients (makes computation more rubust, as only features are used that exist on all clients)
- Use a penalized regression
- If using penalized regression select which one (Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net)
- If using penalized regression select penalizer and l1-ratio
Output can be downloaded through the app frontend.
This is a standalone app. It is not compatible with other apps.
No config file needed, everything can be adjusted through the app frontend.
- No patient-level data is exchanged (more infos:
- Exchanges:
- Mean and Variance of each Feature
- Event times
- Number of samples
- Summary statistics
- No additional privacy-enhancing techniques implemented yet