Nginx extended statistics patch for nginx 0.7.67. This patch add ability to check count and total size of requests to certain vhosts
Author: Alexander Rebrikov at
Building patched nginx version on Debian Squeeze:
# Update repository content
apt-get update
# Build packages needed for building Debian packages
apt-get install -y dpkg-dev devscripts build-essential fakeroot
# Install dependency's for building nginx
apt-get build-dep -y nginx
# Additional dependency for nginx 0.7
apt-get install -y dpatch libgeoip-dev
# Go to safe directory for building packages
cd /usr/src
apt-get source nginx
# make patch
dpkg-source -x nginx_0.7.67-3+squeeze3.dsc
export VERSION=0.7.67
cd nginx-$VERSION
# make fullstats patch
patch -p1 < nginx_stats.patch
# Build nginx
debuild -us -uc # -us unsigned source, -uc unsigned changes
# Install nginx:
dpkg -i /usr/src/nginx_0.7.67-3+squeeze3_amd64.deb
# Lock package for preventing upgrade to non patched version from repo
echo "nginx hold" | dpkg --set-selections
After that, you need add special location to any server for getting nginx statistics:
location /nginx_status {
full_status on;
After that, you can see detailed statistics for every virtual host on this server
vihost requests active_time(msec) traf 18 0 6355 22 2 8713
Fields in statistics:
- Requests is total count of requests served by nginx for certain vhosts.
- Active time is total time which nginx use for serving this vhosts. I think, it's very strange metric, use with care.
- Traf is total traffic for this vhost.
- Could you provide version for newest nginx release? Sorry, we can't. Please take a look on fork button.
- This patch is tested deeply? Yes, this patch work few years on 2 heavy loaded servers with thousands of vhosts without any problems.
- What is requests/active_time and traf?
Optional, don't needed for you if u don't knew what is it
# Optional, don't needed for you if u don't knew what is it
# enable eval module
#cd modules
#tar -xf vkholodkov-nginx-eval-module-1.0.2-0-ge85e11e.tar.gz
#rm -f vkholodkov-nginx-eval-module-1.0.2-0-ge85e11e.tar.gz
#cd ..
# Now fully automated
#sed -i 's#--with-mail_ssl_module \\#--with-mail_ssl_module \\\n\t --add-module=$(CURDIR)/modules/vkholodkov-nginx-eval-module-e85e11e \\#' debian/rules