FastAnalysis is a python module for analysing result from FastTrack tracking software.
To install the module:
pip install fastanalysis
git clone
cd FastAnalysis
pip install .
The project is under active development and do not have public API documentation, a more or less complete API documentation can be generated using Sphinx.
A tracking.txt file can be loaded and several method are available to select objects and frames:
import fastanalysis as fa
tracking = fa.Load("tracking.txt")
fa.isObjectsInFrame(0, 100) # Check if object with id 0 is in the 100th frame
fa.isObjectsInFrame([0, 1], 100) # Check if object with id 0 and 1 is in the 100th frame
a = tracking.getObjectsInFrames(0, 100) # Select data of the object with id 0 in the 100th frame
b = tracking.getObjectsInFrames([0,1], [100,101]) # Select data of the object with id 0 and 1 in the 100th and 101th frames
c = tracking.getObjects(0) # Select data of the object with id 0 for all the frames
d = tracking.getObjects([0,1]) # Select data of the object with id 0 and 1 for all the frames
e = tracking.getFrame(100) # Select data for all the objects in the 100th frame
f = tracking.getFrame([100,101]) # Select data for all the objects in the 100th and 101th frames
import fastanalysis as fa
tracking = fa.Load("tracking.txt")
keys = fa.keys() # List export features
fa.export("output.xlsx", delimiter='\t', keys=["xHead", "yHead", "imageNumber", "id"], ids=None, indexes=None, format="excel") # Export a list of features for all the frames and all the objects in an excel file.
fa.export("output.txt", delimiter='\t', keys=None, ids=None, indexes=None, format="excel") # Export all thefeatures for all the frames and all the objects in an csv file.
Two format are supported: csv and excel.
import fastanalysis as fa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tracking = fa.Load("tracking.txt")
plotObj = fa.Plot(tracking)
plotObj.velocityDistribution(ids=[0, 1], key="Body", pooled=False, subplots=True) # Plot velocity distribution for objects 1 and 0 in 2 subplots
plotObj.velocityDistribution(ids=[0, 1], key="Body", pooled=False, subplots=False) # Plot velocity distribution for objects 1 and 0 in 1 plot
plotObj.velocityDistribution(ids=[0, 1], key="Body", pooled=True) # Plot velocity distribution for objects 1 and 0 pooled in 1 distribution