I am a electrical engineering student who is interested in AI and Machine Learning on edge as well as Data Science and Embedded Systems. Also in every new technology that is making our lives easier!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on AI on edge and signal processing
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about security hardwares and algorithms
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on a tech project integrating IoT and Machine Learning for medical purpose
- ⚡ Fun question: Do you think machine learning would be that revolutionary if stereotypes didn't exist? 🤔
- Partial Discharge: Maintain codes and logs for my partial discharge localization journal article.
- Low Noise Amplifier: Designing an ultra low-noise amplifier by python.
- Passive Filter Project: Schematic maker for LC, RC & RLC electronic passive filters based on ordered characteristics.
- WIFI component: For ESP microcontrollers to have a proper connection and update module frameworks wirelessly (OTA) in the most secure way.
- Socket tool: Python script to send and receive massive encoded files through the network with more than 80 Mbps upload and download speed.
- Wireless monitoring: Real time monitoring of sensor status through UDP connection.
- Image collector: Sampling images is a task that can sometimes be done by simply placing the camera somewhere while it is capturing with the adjusted setting.
- AI on Edge: Deploying face detection model on ESP32 dual core microcontroller and run benchmark.
- Data mining: Some data mining projects.
- Lightning Localization: Designing Deep Neural Networks to predict Lightning Location.