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/!\ IMPORTANT: This repository holds OBSOLETE configuration which are kept for archiving purposes!

If you are interested in my LATEST up-to-date Emacs configuration, kindly refer to the following repository:


  Time-stamp: <Fri 2011-01-21 10:12 svarrette>

  Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Sebastien Varrette <[email protected]>

I am an Emacs man. Some may say Emacs is a kind of religion, for me I started to be addicted in 2000 when I arrived at the ENSIMAG and a friend of mine initiated me.

That's very often how it works with Emacs: someone introduces it to you, give you its personal configuration file (i.e. its .emacs) and then you start enjoy it, eventually add your own customization and spread again the word (and your configuration file ;) )

In all cases, Emacs remains for me the most productive environment for developing software in almost any language and for producing LaTeX documents.

Recently, I decided to fully restructure my config to make it more rigourous and understandable. Here is the result. The latest version is available at the following address:


You'll need to install emacs and a few packages.

  • Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install emacs23 latex-beamer ecb auctex emacs-goodies-el ecb
  • Mac OS X: There are many ways to install Emacs on Mac OS X (see here for more details). Until recently, I relied on CarbonEmacs together with the Enhanced Carbon EMacs (ECE) plugin yet I recently switched to Aquamacs for which the current configuration should work (at least with Aquamacs version 2.1).

Note: You may also rely on the Macports and install it with

  sudo port install emacs-app cedet ecb auctex+emacs_app color-theme-mode.el

yet I do not guarantee the current configuration will work.


Grab and setup my configuration

Get the latest version of my Emacs configuration from github.

You can:

  • either click on the 'Download Source' button to get a tar archive named Falkor-emacs-config-xxxxxxx.tar.gz then run:

         $> cd
         $> tar xvzf /path/to/Falkor-emacs-config-xxxxxxx.tar.gz
         $> mv emacs-config  ~/.emacs.d
  • retrieve the latest version using git (apt-get install git-core) and running:

         $> git clone git://
         $> mv emacs-config ~/.emacs.d

Once this is done, create the symlink to the .emacs file:

       $> cd
       $> ln -s .emacs.d/.emacs .emacs

Now a few additional packages should be installed in ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/ (one day, I'll make an autotools distribution to check the next items;) )

ELPA (Emacs Lisp Package Archive)

Whenever I can, I use ELPA to install packages such that I don't have to bother about new versions or installation process (as I had to do for CEDET and ECB).

My Emacs configuration is setup to use ELPA such that at the first launch, some required packages will be automatically downloaded and installed (see ~/.emacs.d/init-elpa.el for customizing the list of installed packages).

Unfortunately, despite the growing number of packages supported by ELPA (see ELPA News), my configuration makes use of other packages that still need to be installed before you can use Emacs. They are detailed below.

CEDET (Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools)

CEDET is a collection of emacs tools to make your life easier. For instance, Semantic is in-language completion, for example. A full install of CEDET is required for ECB (see below) and Aquamacs doesn’t come with that (yet?!) so you need to install it yourself.

The packaged version being quite old, you'll have to install and compile CEDET from scratch. Proceed as follows (you may also take a look at these instructions)

  • ensure you removed the existing packages:

      (Debian)   $> apt-get remove --purge cedet-common cedet-contrib ecb
      (Mac OS X) $> sudo port remove ecb cedet 
  • Download the latest version of CEDET from sourceforge. Let's assume you get cedet-1.0.tar.gz (the one I checked):

  • uncompress in the correct directory:

    	$> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
      $> tar xvzf /path/to/cedet-1.0.tar.gz
      $> ln -s cedet-1.0 cedet
  • compile CEDET (adapt the path to Aquamacs to reflect your own configuration):

      $> cd cedet
      $> make EMACS=/Applications/MyTools/
  • (thanks Doctor What) Now you need to pull all the .info files into a directory called info with a dir file. Aquamacs is smart enough to figure out this is plugin specific info files, and will use it:

      $> mkdir info
      $> cd info
      $> find .. -type f -name '*.info' | while read i; do j="$(basename $i)"; ln -s "$i" "$j"; install-info --info-dir="$(pwd)" "$j"; done

Now Aquamacs should have the full CEDET available, including docs.

ECB (Emacs Code Browser)

ECB basically turns Emacs into a full IDE like XCode. Again, the default packages are old so you'll need to grab the latest version.

  • Download the latest version of ECB from sourceforge. Let's assume you get ecb-2.40.tar.gz (the one I checked).

  • uncompress ECB in the correct directory:

      $> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
      $> tar xvzf /path/to/ecb-2.40.tar.gz 
      $> ln -s ecb-2.40 ecb
  • (thanks Doctor What) Symlink the info-help directory to info and create a dir file.

      $> cd ecb
      $> ln -s info-help info
      $> cd info
      $> install-info --info-dir="$(pwd)"	

Now Aquamacs should have ECB available, including docs.

nXhtml is an addon to Emacs for editing XHTML, PHP and similar thing. It is still not included in ELPA so we have to install it manually, yet you should be addicted to the procedure now:

  • Download the latest version of nXhtml here (see the link 'Download latest nXhtml (zip file)' at the bottom of the page)

  • Assuming you retrieved, run the following commands (I rename the uncompressed folder to keep track of the installed version):

      $> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
      $> unzip /path/to/
      $> mv nxhtml nxhtml-2.08
      $> ln -s nxhtml-2.08 nxhtml

EasyPG is included in Emacs 23 so the following applies only for older versions (assuming you downloaded epg-x.y.z.tar.gz and epg-x.y.z.tar.gz.sig):

    $> gpg --verify epg-x.y.z.tar.gz.sig epg-x.y.z.tar.gz
    $> tar xvzf epg-x.y.z.tar.gz
    $> cd  epg-x.y.z
    $> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.emacs.d/site-lisp/epg-x.y.z
    $> make install
    $> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
    $> ln -s epg-0.0.16/share/emacs/site-lisp/epg epg

This is a very nice tools for using Doxygen in you code. Assuming you download the file doxymacs-1.8.0.tar.gz, the installation procedure is as follows:

	$> tar xvzf doxymacs-1.8.0.tar.gz
    $> cd doxymacs-1.8.0
    $> ./configure --prefix=$HOME/.emacs.d/site-lisp/doxymacs-1.8.0
    $> make 
    $> make install
    $> cd ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp
    $> ln -s doxymacs-1.8.0 doxymacs

That's all folks!

Now you can run emacs and ensure everything is normal. If not, as suggested, run it again with the --debug-init option and check eventually the FAQ.

Once this is done, you can byte-compile everything in the .emacs.d directory to accelerate the startup by running

       C-u 0 M-x byte-recompile-directory

Note: you can find a nice (and complete) tutorial on emacs basic usage here

Configuration organization

	`~/.emacs.d/init.el`          A symlink to .emacs i.e. the main configuration
	`~/.emacs.d/init-defuns.el`   Elisp functions definitions 
	`~/.emacs.d/init-display.el`  Configure the display (color theme etc.)
	`~/.emacs.d/init-emodes.el`   Configure the emacs modes
	`~/.emacs.d/init-elpa.el`     Configure the packages you want to install via the
                          		  Emacs Lisp Package Archive (ELPA)
	`~/.emacs.d/init-cedet.el`    Configure the CEDET environment
	`~/.emacs.d/elpa/`            Directory containing the packages installed via ELPA  
	`~/.emacs.d/insert/`          Directory that contains the templates for
	`~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/`       Directory containing the external elisp files used 
	`~/.emacs.d/themes/`          Directory containing the additional color theme  
	`~/.emacs.d/yasnippet/`       Directory containing my personnal snippets (see

For more information, read the configurations files as I try to put relevant information in comments.


Once emacs launch correctly on your system, you'll probably want to customize the configurations as follows:

  • Edit ~/.emacs.d/init.el and adapt the variables:



Send me by mail ([email protected]) any remark or comments.

If you find a bug, open a new issue on Github


If you want more, take a look at the following web site:


My personnal Emacs configuration






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