Releases: FZJ-JSC/tutorial-multi-gpu
SC24 Tutorial
Seventh time!
The tutorial was quite well-visited at Atlanta. New this time: usage of an actual Exascale building block (JEDI), and some more advanced strategies (like InfiniBand GPUDirect Async (IBGDA)). There's also changes in the backend of the tutorial in the Makefiles.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v6.0+isc24...v7.0+sc24
ISC24 Tutorial
Sixth time we held the tutorial 🎉 !
Compared to the last incarnation at SC23, there are a few, mostly incremental changes included.
Full Changelog: v5.0-sc23...v6.0+isc24
SC23 Tutorial
Fifth time holding the tutorial, this time at SC23 in Denver, CO, USA, as a hybrid tutorial (although the main focus was for on-site people).
Further incremental changes have been included in this version, like updating to the state-of-the-art of the GPU ecosystem in the slides.
Full Changelog: v4.0-isc23...v5.0-sc23
ISC23 Tutorial
Fourth time holding the tutorial at ISC23 in Hamburg, Germany; only in meatspace, no virtual audience.
There are only minor changes comparing to the previous version.
SC22 Tutorial
Third time holding the tutorial. This time, at SC22 in Dallas, in front of a (large) hybrid audience.
Apart from some incremental changes, the tutorial now also features exercises with CUDA Graphs.
Full Changelog: v2.0-isc22...v3.0-sc22
ISC22 Tutorial
Second incarnation of this tutorial. Held at ISC High Performance 2022 in Hamburg, in person.
Changes: Only incremental, small updates.
Full Changelog: v1.0-sc21...v2.0-isc22
SC21 Tutorial
First tutorial held at Supercomputing Conference 2021 (SC21), virtually. This release is for a Zenodo release.