Checkout this file
1. Find UI Libraries.
2. Prepare a rough layout.
3. Start laying out frontend pages
4. React Version: 16.13.1
5. Redux Version: 4.0.5
6. React Redux Version: 7.2.0
1. Create a flowchart / diagram for whole process
2. Code out models
3. Create API using Django Rest Framework []
4. Python Version: 3.8.x
5. Django Version: 2.2.10
6. Djangorestframework Version: 3.10.3
1. Think of the whole project pipeline
2. Setup Travis / Jenkins for testing
3. Dockerize and build image for further tasks.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Parth Sujalkumar Shah 💻 |
Aniket Biswas 💻 🎨 |
Saurav-Shrivastav 💻 |
Kush Daga 💻 🎨 |
Jay Parmani 💻 🚧 |
Shubhank Saxena |
Shreya Gupta 📖 |
All Contributors 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!