First functional release
Including the following:
- Add players to game
- Add up to 10 players (logical maximum)
- Give users a username or generate one
- Remove players from the game
- Select which player to remove
- Figure out what type each hand is
- Show who the winner is of each round
- Resize window depending on player count
- Nice design: background, drop shadow for each card, more space between each card, added icon to all windows, scrollbar
- Show each player what hand type they have, including: HighCard, OnePair, TwoPair, Three-of-a-kind, Straight (Low and High Straight), Flush, Full House, Four-of-a-kind and Straight flush
- Tie-break handling for HighCard, OnePair and TwoPair - for the rest, show all winning players that have the same hand type