OpenTelemetry provides a single set of APIs, libraries, agents, and collector services to capture distributed traces and metrics from your application. You can analyze them using Prometheus, Jaeger, and other observability tools.
Haystack can consume spans generated from OpenTelemetry by using its ZipkinSpanExporter. It currently supports languages such as:
among others.
Haystack Agent is capable of consuming Zipkin spans through its Pitchfork endpoint. In order to enable this, it needs to be enabled in the configurations files like this:
agents {
spans {
ossblobs {
pitchfork {
enabled = true
port = 9411
http.threads {
max = 16
min = 2
gzip.enabled = true = 60000 = 30000
accept.null.timestamps = false
max.timestamp.drift.sec = -1
dispatchers {
kafka {
bootstrap.servers = "<host>:19092"
producer.topic = "proto-spans"
buffer.memory = 1048576
retries = 2
After this, when agent is initialized it'll listen on http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans for zipkin spans. Please refer to Haystack Agent documentation for Pitchfork endpoint versions.
This example will show how to export OpenTelemetry spans to haystack through [ZipkinSpanExporter]
Add the appropriate OpenTelemetry and Zipkin dependencies:
In the provided example, a configuration object with the endpoint and service name information is created:
ZipkinExporterConfiguration configuration =
.setEncoder(SpanBytesEncoder.JSON_V2) // JSON_V1, PROTO3 or THRIFT
After creating the configuration object, a ZipkinSpanExporter is created, this will be the object that will actually send our spans:
ZipkinSpanExporter exporter = ZipkinSpanExporter.create(configuration);
Once the exporter object is set up, the spans are created by using the SpanData class which zipkin consumes:
SpanData spandata = SpanData.newBuilder()
After the span(s) are created, the method export from the previously created exporter is used to send the spans:
Since this has configured the Haystack Pitchfork endpoint it'll send the spans there for consumption. Haystack Agent understands Zipkin spans and parses them into our own spans and process them into our pipeline.