- Day 1: Javascript
- Day 2: WebPack & VueJS
- Day 3: VueJS (continue) & Intro Unit Testing
- Day 4: VueJS Unit Testing & QA
Knowledge / Experience
- Javascript (jquery)
- HTML / CSS / BootStrap
- Chrome Dev Tools
System Setup
- GIT client (git cli, SourceTree)
- NodeJS 7.x
- Visual Studio Code
- Chrome
- Optional but usefull
- Intro
- JavaScript
- WebPack
- VueJS
The slides are written in markdown and can be presented with 'reveal-md'.
// install reveal-md
npm install -g reveal-md
// open it (dark)
reveal-md . reveal-md . --theme moon
// other theme (light)
reveal-md . --theme solarized --highlightTheme github-gist
// specific presentation
reveal-md ./slides/unit-tests.md --title 'Unit-Tests' --theme solarized --highlightTheme github-gist
Copyright (c) 2017 Euricom nv. Licensed under the MIT license.