Installs tinc vpn for meshed VPN networks.
- supports multiple networks per node
- connect_to can be either configured manually or extracted using node-search
- you can run router and switch mode, the latter is for unicast/multicast enabled networks
All you need is deploying this cookbook on several nodes while using the same network name - the connection between those nodes (hosts) will be configured automatically (published hosts/ with public keys)
Available on the chef supermarket
- debian
- ubuntu
- openssl (= 4.4.0)
See tincvpn.rb for the available attributes and how to use them
- tincvpn::default
Installs tinc and configure all your hosts and networks. Hosts are actually looked up using a node search, picking all nodes having the same network deployed
bundle install --binstubs --without='development vagrant docker dokken integration'
./bin/stove login --username <user>--key ~/.ssh/key.pem
# edit metadata.rb and release
You can run the test using kitchen
# vagrant basesed
chef exec bundle exec kitchen test
# dokken based
chef exec bundle exec kitchen test
# dokken based - just the default suite
chef exec bundle exec kitchen test default
# docker based
chef exec bundle exec kitchen test
There are to test suites, default
for testing anything with router mode and switch
to ensure we can set the mode properly/
I am very happy to accept this PRs or work on issues to extend the usage of this cookbook.
Just use the issue queue or even better, create pull requests for what you like to improve.
License:: Apache 2.0