This is the repo for, a resource site to assist geographic diversity efforts. This project is maintained by Ethereum Costa Rica members.
Geographic diversity is crucial for maintaining a resilient network. Nodes concentrated in specific regions face higher risks during geopolitical crises or natural disasters, which can compromise the security and availability of network data. By decentralizing node locations, we mitigate these risks and enhance overall network stability.
Currently, approximately 35% of Ethereum nodes are in the United States, and 14% are in Germany. This concentration poses significant risks, as these regions are vulnerable to localized disruptions. Our initiative aims to address these imbalances and promote a more globally distributed network.
- NextJS
- JavaScript
- TailwindCSS
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Express
- Clone the repo (or fork the repo to your account)
- Go to the frontend folder:
cd nextjs-clone
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create a feature branch off of the latest version branch
- Start the local server:
npm run dev
- Go to http://localhost:3000/ to view changes
- Go to api folder:
cd api
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create a feature branch off of the latest version branch
- Start the local server:
npm run start
- Go to http://localhost:3001/api/getnodewatchdata to view nodewatch data
- Add
in order to refresh the data: http://localhost:3001/api/getnodewatchdata?fetch=true
To build the site use npm run build
aguzmant103 📆 |
lindsaymoralesb 💻 |
blockchainer_cr 💻 |
ChrisFernandezVivas 💻 |