#Estilingue Codeigniter Template
This is a Codeigniter Application Template for start projects.
It's based on a custom MY_Controller that extends the default CI_Controller and load the initial core assets for application.
The MY_Controller loads the initial view layout and setup the main html template. Then in your extended controller you can call the render method to render the view for that endpoint:
$content = $this->load->view('main/home', $data, TRUE);
$this->render('Main Page Title', $content);
Inside the layout view, the MY_Controller loads the defaults stylesheet and javascript assets, and you can pass custom assets pushing them on the protected arrays:
$this->local_stylesheets[] = 'style.css';
$this->local_javascripts[] = 'app_scripts.js';
##Assets Helper
The Assets Helper uses a base configuration for setup localizated on application/config/config.php:
$config['assets_url'] = 'assets/';
The assets path setup is based on the following scheme:
- assets/
- css/
- app.css
- boilerplate.css
- js/
- app.js
- images/
- css/
Then we can use the 3 helper functions:
img_asset: that loads an image file from assets path
css_asset: that loads an stylesheet file from assets path
js_asset: that loads an javascript file from assets path
##Runaway - Unit Testing Suite
The Runaway library is a unit testing framework to test business logic inside models.
First of all, create a tests/ directory inside your controllers folder.
user@machine:.../application/controllers$ mkdir tests
Then create your tests controllers inside always importing and extending the Runaway library:
<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
require(APPPATH . '/libraries/Runaway.php');
class Example_test extends Runaway {
public function __construct()
$this->title = 'Basic Math';
private $a = 5;
private $b = 5;
public function test_adition()
$this->assert_equals($this->a + $this->b, 10);
public function test_subtraction()
$this->assert_equals($this->a - $this->b, 0);
After you create the tests for this controller you can call on command line:
user@machine:.../project$ php index.php tests/example_test
######### Runaway Suite: Running Tests #########
Model: Basic Math
* test_adition: test passed
* test_subtraction: test passed
######### Ended Tests #########