This awesome web service provides REST API for accessing power of attorney information of a user
- Power of attorney details such as grantee, grantor and account details (/power-of-attorneys/{id})
- Details for card products authorized by the power of attorney (/debit-cards/{id} and /credit-cards/{id})
- Account details (/accounts/{id})
- Some developer might have made an error somewhere
To build and run: use mvn compile exec:java
Application runs on: http://localhost:8080
REST API documentation: http://localhost:8080/swagger/
- Build a REST API presenting aggregated information from different services
- Only show data that a user is actually authorized for
- Handle any server errors you might run into gracefully
- Requirements of the code and functionality is up to the candidate
- We suggest using Java 11, Spring-Boot & Maven, but using Kotlin or Gradle is also fine
- Perform whatever validation seems necessary
- Don't return inactive products or accounts
- (Optional) Expose the API over HTTPS
- Because every candidate has different experience and background, the candidate should decide on how complex code they want to show us
- If the assignment is unclear, do what you feel is best and focus on the code, not the exercise
- We look at the quality and readability of code that has been delivered more than if the functionality matches our expectations
- Impress us!