Project description
Running server/db/generate_data.js will create dummy data in .csv format to be imported into the database. Global constants for the number of records for each data input can be set at the top of the file.
DBs used for this project are Postgres and Cassandra.
To create a new user in the database: send POST request to domain/api/users with the user name in the body of the request with the name field (name: username)
To find a specific user by name: send GET request to domain/api/users/username
To update a user avatar: send PUT request to domain/api/users with the user name in the body of the request with the name field (name: username) This assigns a random image to the user
To delete all reviews for a property listing: send DELETE request to domain/api/rentals/id where id is the number id of the listing
To stress test an api route: npm run bombard Each request type (GET, POST) in the the test/art_stress.yml file can be commented out to test one at a time, or uncomment all to run both concurrently.
From within the root directory:
npm i pg pg-hstore sequelize
For data mocking:
npm i faker moment
for api/db stress testing:
npm i artillery