Video Walkthrough:
The system I developed is an automatic local backup system. The system comprises of a SyncBox and a mobile application named AutoSync which is installed on an android device. The SyncBox was created using a Raspberry Pi which acts as a wireless router, it also has a usb storage device plugged into it.
The user uses the mobile application to connect to the SyncBox. The user then uses the mobile application to choose which folders they would like to have automatically upload to the SyncBox. Once the initial sync process is complete the user will receive a notification on their device any time their mobile device is within range of the SyncBox.
The system has a number of other features including single file upload, a shared file upload for multiple users, android memory clean up and a viewer that allows the user to see what is currently stored on the SyncBox and download the files they see.
The main idea behind this project is to provide a very low cost way to automatically back up any data on a mobile device with very little effort. Cloud services provide similar functionality but this system provides the functionality without recurring bills. In short the product developed is a home cloud that provides automated functionality through an Android application
Technical guide:
User Manual: