This repository contains the source code for Unified Data Feeds (UDF) push publisher which is primarily used for Push model data delivery.
The push publisher node constantly listens to new updates happening on oracle chain and publishes them to defined destination chains when certain conditions align. Those conditions are:
- Price deviation threshold - percentage value of price change for the feed to be updated.
- Heartbeat - time interval after which the update publishing is forced, used to help with stale feeds, so the latest update is gonna stay relatively recent.
First, clone the repo.
$ git clone [email protected]:Entangle-Protocol/udf-update-publisher.git
Run all publisher tests
$ go test ./...
First, override the fields in the config to point to your networks and use your private key for signing update transactions.
After you modified the config, run the publisher's CLI with the path to modified config
$ go run ./cmd/pull-update-publisher --config ./config.yaml
export ENT_SOLANA_PUBLISHER_CONFIG=$(pwd)/config_solana.yml
export RUST_LOG=info,price_publisher=debug,solana_tools=debug
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="."
go run cmd/pull-update-publisher/main.go
When latest update is applied one can see the following logs:
[2024-09-03T17:54:28Z DEBUG price_publisher::data_feed_processor] data_feed_msg: { merkle_root: bc7e102e02da9f4ad7dd7adedb42169f7229c21169938f666bb50d5f522bbc34, data_feeds: [{ timestamp: 1725386002, data_key: GAS-ETH, data: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000322a94f8d8c, merkle_proof: [67a4bef56395552e5b16c08e9b92218f16e21c16156d5a7b931ef6fc6b26dbe8] }], signatures: [{ 1b1db1743d3a85580a84bb2849a51bbb333660fadd945e7e744e40987b8db6e55154e8b9fa2d3b941cf6a761e7aee160fccc829c24f33f5ce25d7151d8d585b667 }, { 1cc2044555c510f990a90b159ff7e58cd6cbf3e2269b5505c9a7096e3dc6b353507c4fd246ce26690d5eff5a1925c5998d02328d1fb228aa8387aad0d35ca3333c }, { 1c614c4a82d4c6406e422af9567e5b3bcfbf5340d4b7133322aeb3af257496f70c5b84d406b915b3419ec093c9945f17d722447d0aefede604ad22617e3178702e }] }
[2024-09-03T17:54:29Z DEBUG price_publisher::data_feed_processor] pda: [GAS-ETH: 7xKpRLTnN7nhtbg5bPRLhi3d73KnsiJRkoRUwbKdogFV]
[2024-09-03T17:54:29Z DEBUG solana_tools::solana_transactor::ix_compiler] Instructions: 0 Tx len: 667 CU: 400000
[2024-09-03T17:54:37Z DEBUG solana_tools::solana_transactor::transactor] Sent bundle 6646c7e0-9250-4921-b751-5dfddfda74c4 with sig 3CeRixVfcvetiGfAZqnWW71Ee7YCLJyNzsweQKkXY4LCR9PMHcQL6PMCSQMQViGizpQMDFScPYQNnr5a34Ji1EQD, awaiting 1
It's possible to use the asset related Program Derived Address (PDA) to check if it's really updated on the devnet for testing purposes
anchor account --provider.cluster devnet --idl udf_solana.json udf_solana.LatestUpdate 7xKpRLTnN7nhtbg5bPRLhi3d73KnsiJRkoRUwbKdogFV | jq -c