This is a package designed to lint over your projects code and provide insight on how things could be improved with visual data and traces of where lines could be improved in your code. This will cover: Code, Complexity, Architecture and Style.
The package purpose is to be installed on your apps, and after running an artisan command it will pluck and format data, and then send the data to the "entaqa" app where the data can be visualised and updated.
Require the Entanet Insights package
composer require entanet/entanet-insights --dev
Add the following to the config/app.php providers array
Publish the insights commands
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NunoMaduro\PhpInsights\Application\Adapters\Laravel\InsightsServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Entanet\Insights\InsightsServiceProvider"
Ensure the command is available:
Now Register that command in
Register as (At the top):
use Entanet\Insights\EntanetInsights;
And then add this to the $commands array:
* The Artisan commands provided by your application.
* @var array
protected $commands = [
Ensure your env contains valid Kafka credentials and Kafka is set up on your machine or within the container you're using.
Pull down the entaqa app from --repo--. Within the project route, run:
docker-compose up --build -d
and navigate to
This app uses Google auth for sign in.
To listen from the EntaQA app for scores, run:
docker-compose exec entaqa-app php artisan scores:listen
Please ensure you have your "app name" set within your config/app.php file and your APP_NAME in your env.
After setting this run:
php artisan config:clear
This is responsible for naming the project within entaqa. Stick to repository naming conventions without spaces in, snake, camel and kebab case are all fine.
From within the project you have installed entanet-insights on, run
php artisan entanet:insights
You should see "Data Sent!" as a confirmation.
Now, if you refresh your entaqa app, your app will be there with visual data on how to improve it, and if you click the widgets for Code, Complexity, Architecture or Style, you can drill down into specific insight on how to improve your app from that particular stand point.