Contains code corresponding to the engineering tRNA abundances for synthetic cellular systems project.
All modeling code is available with comment in Jupyter notebooks. Colloidal dynamics and Colloidal dynamics-Computer Aided Design (CD-CAD) algorithms used throughout can be found in and are accessed within Jupyter notebooks. Files correspond to particular modeling and simulations for as follows:
ColloidalDynamics_tRNANaturalAnalysis - Figure 1 & S1: Colloidal dynamics modeling assessing wild type E. coli
ColloidalDynamics_tRNAVaryingIO - Figure 2 & S2: Colloidal dynamics modeling assessing rationally engineered tRNA distributions
CDCAD_WTecoli - Figure 3: CD-CAD modeling for the E. coli transcriptome
CDCAD_RED20Ecoli - Figure 4, S3, S14: CD-CAD modeling for the genome reduced E. coli transcriptome
CDCAD_RED20_SingleGeneOptimization - Figure 5, S14: Optimization and analysis of tRNA distributions for RED20-encoded GFP
CDCAD_WT_PerturbationAnalysis - Figure S9, S10: CD-CAD perturubation analysis for WT E. coli
CDCAD_ompF_PerturbationAnalysis - Figure S12: CD-CAD perturbation analysis for the highest expressing gene in the E. coli transcriptome, ompF
CDCAD_RED20GFP_PerturbationAnalysis - Figure S13: CD-CAD perturubation analysis for RED20-encoded GFP
CDCAD_genestratification - Figure S11: Gene stratficiation analysis
analysis_utils - All algorithms supporting analysis (including evolutionary algorithms & elongation computation)
Code for experimental analysis (Figure 5 and related supplemental figures) can be found in experimental_data_analysis.ipynb